“Liberia Opens for Sincere Business,” President Weah Avers as he Welcomes Big Investment in Mining Sector

Monrovia, Liberia - The President of the Republic, H.E. Excellency Dr. George Manneh Weah, says Liberia’s doors remain open and the people hospitable to all well-meaning concessionaires who desire to take advantage of the huge investment opportunities available in the country.


He said Liberia is copiously endowed with natural resources, much of which remains untapped, including virgin forest, huge rivers and ocean, arable land and minerals lurking beneath it—all underpinned by incredibly favorable climatic conditions.


Observing the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of Liberia on the one hand and the joint Corporation of Fortescue Metals Group and Al Maktoum Company on the other on Sunday, July 14, 2019, President Weah reiterated government’s willingness to ensure transparency and openness in dealing with investors and their interests in Liberia.


The Liberian Leader used the occasion to hail Mr. John Andrew Henry Forrest, CEO of Fortsecue and His Highness, Sheikh Ahmed Dalmook Juma Al Maktoum, for their willingness to invest in Liberia.


“Liberia is hospitable and open for sincere business,” the President assured the investors, adding, “We are going to work with you sincerely and honestly”.


Billionaire CEO of Fortsecue, Andrew Forrest, who witnessed the signing ceremony expressed delight and joy for the smooth kickoff of the investment discussions between his party and the Government of Liberia.


“I am here to grow your economy. I am here to grow your social services and to grow the standard of living of the Liberian people,” he told reporters after the signing ceremony.


He said it was his pleasure to be in Liberia.


Mines and Energy Minister, Gesler E. Murray signed for the Liberian Government, while His Highness, Sheikh Ahmed Dalmook Juma Al Maktoum of Al Maktoum Company, signed for the investors.


His Royal Highness assured Liberians of their unwavering commitment to invest in Liberia.


The Memorandum of Understanding, amongst other things, provides that the investors will upgrade the existing railways in Buchanan for now and will subsequently build new railways from Guinea to the Port of Buchanan without a cost to the Government of Liberia.


The signing of the MOU is part of series of international engagements fostered by President Weah in the last few months.