President Weah Holds Talks With World Leaders At Paris Forum

Paris, France:  President George Manneh Weah has held series of opportunity-seeking discussions with world leaders including U.S. President Donald Trump, Russian President Vladimir Putin, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron in Paris, France.
President Weah, who was among 70 world leaders attending the Paris Peace Forum, used the brief discussions to accentuate the importance of international involvement in maintaining Liberia’s peace and supporting its development objectives.
The President has accordingly directed Foreign Minister Gbehzongar Findley to utilize diplomatic channels to ensure opportunities for deeper bilateral discussions with those leaders in the near future.
The November 11 Paris Peace Forum coincided with the centenary of the end of World War One and is intended to explore and discuss strategies toward ending existing conflicts that continue to threaten global peace. 
Speaking shortly following the close of the Peace Forum, President Weah praised his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron for advancing the cause of global peace through the maiden edition of the Paris Peace Forum. 
He said the convergence of world leaders in Paris to discuss the consolidation of world peace was a step in the right direction and that Liberia whole-heartedly supports such an initiative.
“It is through the collective political will of leaders of the world, forming strong partnerships to resolve global problems that lasting peace, security and development can be attained and maintained,” President asserted.
Meanwhile, the Liberian President will today, Monday November 12, 2018, join President Macron, UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres and UNESCO Director -General Audrey Azoulay as a guest of honor during the launch of the 2018 edition of the Internet Governance Forum at UNESCO headquarters.
Prior to the launch, President Weah will lead the Liberian delegation in bilateral talks with the UNESCO Director-General and her team, focusing on ongoing cooperation between Liberia and UNESCO in the areas of Technical Vocational Education & Training (TVET), Education, Sports and preservation of Liberia’s cultural and historical heritage.