President Weah Says Thanksgiving Critical for God's Blessings, Enjoins Liberians

Monrovia, Liberia:The President of the Republic, H.E. Dr. George Manneh Weah, has admonished Liberians to adopt the tendency of thanksgiving in humble acknowledgement and recognition of the bountiful blessings that God Almighty continues to shower upon the nation.


In brief remarks Thursday, November 5, 2020 at an intercessory program in observance of this year’s Thanksgiving Day held at the Dominion Christian Fellowship, President Weah noted that the day is set aside every year “for us to give thanks to the Almighty God for the abundant blessings he has bestowed upon us as a Nation, and as a People, and to pray that His goodness and mercy shall continue to follow us through the ensuing year.”


He reminded Liberians about the significance of the day, which according to him, is not merely public holiday but a day the people of Liberia should adopt as a moral attitude of gratitude to the One who created this universe and who keeps “our country’s peace and harmony intact.”


The Chief Executive also indicated that Thanksgiving Day is intended not for a particular group of citizens but an opportunity for all Liberians—Christians, Muslims, Buddhists and others—to pause and collectively thank God for all He has done and continues to do in the lives of the people and the nation. 


President Weah encouraged Liberians to make thanksgiving the cornerstone of their lives if they are to reap God's blessings. He said God requires Liberians to surrender their lives to his perfect will and the acceptance of his matchless dominion over the nation in good or bad times.


He added: “We must give God thanks for the sustained peace and tranquility within the borders of our nation and for God’s tender mercy shown us in the face of the global pandemic, COVID-19. Let’s count our blessings and be grateful to God.”


The President, who acknowledged the successes and losses of the year 2020, acknowledged God’s blessings and protection upon him, his family and all Liberians, as well as international partners during the year.


“As we observe this day of National Thanksgiving, it is time for us to reflect,” he said. “Is there someone in your life that you need to be grateful to? Is there someone in your life that you need to appreciate? We must to do because thanksgiving and gratitude bring more blessings.”


Dr. Weah noted further: “Thanksgiving is a holiday that reminds me that there is more to be thankful for than to be sad. My beloved father taught me the power of positive thinking—specifically, looking at the glass as half-full rather than half-empty.”


The President opined that no one can be an effective witness for God if they are not thankful.


“The joy of the Lord is your strength. God will not promote you with further blessings if you are not thankful,” he warned. “Who will bless someone with ‘more’ if they are not thankful for the small blessings they have already received?”


President Weah graced the Intercessory and Thanksgiving Service along with several officials of government and ordinary citizens.


The Day was established over one hundred and thirty years ago by an Act of the national Legislature to thank and acknowledge God for his endless blessings upon the nation.