First Lady Weah Attracts International Support for Humanitarian Projects in Liberia

Henan Province, China: First Lady, Ambassador Clar M. Weah’s overseas engagement aimed at attracting international support to fund her numerous humanitarian projects in Liberia seems to be making headways.
The first of such major progress was made in the People’s Republic of China where the First Lady held fruitful discussions with local officials, prominent business people and entities in Chinese Henan Province on Friday, May 11, 2018.
During the discussions, the Chinese Harbor Engineering Company and the Vice Governor of Henan Province, Mr. He Jinping, welcomed the First Lady’s vision for Liberia and pledged their unflinching commitment to support her efforts.
The local officials and the company’s authorities pledged their support to ensure the First Lady succeeds in her endeavor to assist many Liberians especially the poor after she effectively made the case for Liberia’s humanitarian need.
Ambassador Clar M. Weah clearly articulated her vision for the country’s disadvantaged persons outlining the specific projects and programs earmarked for appropriate interventions. Mrs. Weah said she wants to improve the lives of vulnerable urban and rural women and increase the income of rural women through agriculture - among others.
The First Lady is undertaking a number of humanitarian initiatives in Liberia with a view to improving the livelihood of the underprivileged in support of the government’s Pro-poor Agenda. The humanitarian initiatives are providing substantial support including food and non-food items to several orphanages in Montserrado and Grand Bassa Counties.
Mrs. Weah has also launched a program to feed the elderly on a monthly basis and begun the construction of a residential complex for the blind and elderly in Buchanan. 
The ongoing renovation of several orphanages in Grand Bassa and Montserrado Counties are also part of her humanitarian services. Madam Weah is determined to transform drug addicted youths, street girls and children through various programs. The First Lady’s international engagement is expected to continue in China and other countries.
The wife of President George Weah departed the country Monday, May 7.