First Lady Applauds UN Role in Liberia’s Peace … As UNMIL finally turns over facilities at Star-Base

Thursday, June 28, 2018: Monrovia- First Lady Clar Marie Weah says the United Nations through its Mission to Liberia, UNMIL, has played a significant role in the peace, stability and progress the country now enjoys.
Mrs. Weah said the Mission’s fifteen-year stay in Liberia witnessed a huge investment not only in sustaining the peace but also in improving various sectors of the Liberian society.
She particularly pointed out that the benefits of UNMIL’s presence in Liberia since the end of the civil war were visible in the security and health sectors, human resource and infrastructural development as well as the economy.
The Liberian First Lady made the statement when she represented President George Manneh Weah at the official turning over of UNMIL’s Star-base facilities to the government of Liberia Thursday, June 28, 2018 on the Bushrod Island in Monrovia.
“…there is nothing more certain other than the fact that Liberia would have never been where it is today without your presence,” said Mrs. Weah to a group of UN officials.
She continued: “And for this sacrifice of your time, energy and expertise we remain grateful and say thank you.”
The facilities, which include a huge fleet of vehicles, state of the art equipment among others valued at millions of United States Dollars, were used by UNMIL for Peace keeping operations. 
Mrs. Weah said such huge facilities are indicative of the immense investment the UN has made just to restore peace in Liberia and ensure that the country remains on a sustainable path towards economic growth and development.
The First Lady expressed President Weah’s gratitude over the facilities, and his assurance that the facilities would be used to enhance productivity and efficiency.
“The President has asked me to assure you that these equipment will be used to enhance and bring increased efficiency to government operations and bolster the overall objective of the Pro-poor Agenda,” Mrs. Weah said.
While bidding UNMIL farewell, the First Lady reaffirmed Liberia’s willingness and readiness to always work with the UN. 
Ambassador Weah said she however remains confident that despite their departure the UN through its various agencies will continue to partner with Liberia.
Speaking on behalf of the United Nations, the Director of the United Nations Mission Support, David Trekelin, praised Liberia’s milestone achievement in conducting peaceful elections and smooth transition of power.
Mr. Trekelin said the UN was pleased over such situation, stressing that it was clearly indicative that Liberia was capable of maintaining a conducive climate of peace.
He also said that the facilities would be another asset to the Liberian government in its endeavor to drive the country to development and successful future.
The UN envoy however assured that Liberia and the UN have come afar and as such will always continue to partner in various ways possible.
As part of the ceremonies, the UN Flag was brought down while the Liberian Flag was hoisted signifying the end of UNMIL in Liberia.
The occasion also brought together senior government officials including Ministers of State Without Portfolio and National Defense, Hon. Trokon Kpui and Hon. Daniel Ziankan, the Legal Advisor to the President, Archibald Bernard, among others.