Cabinet Adopts Austerity Measures; Reduces Ministers, Heads of Autonomous Agencies’ Salaries

Monrovia, Liberia: The Cabinet, in its third crucial sitting has adopted several measures intended to enhance the government’s Pro-Poor Agenda.
The measures include the reduction or standardization of salaries for ministers of government and heads of autonomous agencies.
The decision was reached on Wednesday, April 25, 2018 during the Cabinet Third Session at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and chaired by President George Manneh Weah.
Cabinet also took a number austerity measures aimed at the standardization of salaries across government, especially within the Executive Branch of Government.
The Cabinet endorsed that: “No longer will any official of government including heads of autonomous agencies make $10,000.00USD or $15,000.00USD respectively. 
Cabinet resolved that heads of public corporations or autonomous agencies will make not more than $7,800USD as salary. Cabinet also took a decision for a 10% salary reduction across the board for cabinet ministers - mainly those at the highest level of the executive.  
This resolved that this reduction across the board will only affect approximately 4,140 employees; including civil servants that make above 1,000 USD. The decision by Cabinet will take effect by the end of May 2018. 
Meanwhile, Cabinet has exhaustively discussed the 2018/19 fiscal budget with a view of identifying means to support national development that will impact the lives of the poor people and to ensure that money is not wasted.