“Liberia Is Proud of AFL,” President Weah Says, Recounting Army’s Capacity-Building Progress

Monrovia, Liberia - The Commander-In-Chief of the Armed Forces of Liberia (AFL), Head of State Dr. George Manneh Weah, says the people of Liberia are proud of their army, which has espoused professionalism and involvement with community engagement activities in recent years.

Delivering a special statement at the 65th Armed Forces Day on Friday, February 11, 2022, President Weah recounted a horde of strides made by the Armed Forces of Liberia as well as the Government’s support in transforming the national army and enhancing its effectiveness at home and abroad.
“Liberia is proud of the cardinal contribution of the Librarian military to the peace and development of the country and the world at large,” he said, acknowledging the difficult times and challenges the Government is facing in providing needed support.
“The Armed Forces of Liberia can boast of tremendous successes emanating from the support of our government and the level of training assistance provided by our foreign partners.”
The President observed that changing times and circumstances plaguing the world continue to post challenges to the Liberian Military, including welfare, housing, and logistics for soldiers.
President Weah said in spite of the challenges the country remains proud of the significant accomplishments made in the last four years of his administration.
He asserted: “Fellow Liberians, four years ago, during my first Armed Forces Day speech, I promised that I would construct a hospital for our Military, which would cater to the health needs of our Men and Women in Arms and their families. Many thought that the project was too ambitious and farfetched to ever be completed. Today, I am pleased to inform you that the 14th Military Hospital in Duazohn, Margibi County has been dedicated and opened for business. The 200-bed facility provides both in-patient and out-patient services and has brought relief to our servicemen and women and their families.”
President Weah assured the AFL of the Government's unfailing commitment to the continuous modernization and staffing of the 14th Military Hospital in order to be counted among the best hospitals in the West African region.
While Celebrating progress made thus far, he said the Government is not oblivious of the numerous challenges facing the military, which negatively impact morale among soldiers, such as the recruitment and force development of the AFL.
He said despite the challenges, his administration has begun the renovation of military barracks around the country, as a way of providing a remedy to congestion within the facilities currently in use.
The President indicated that renovation works are presently ongoing at the Edward Binyah Kesselly (EBK) Barracks in Scheflien, and that similar interventions will soon be extended to the Zwedru Military Barracks in Grand Gedeh County; the Camp Todee Military Barracks in Todee, Montserrado County, and the Voinjama Military Barracks in Voinjama, Lofa County.
President Weah also announced the construction of an additional 25 housing units and five multi-purpose bathroom facilities within the EBK Military Barracks.
The ongoing works, he added, is a way of further decongesting the EBK Military Barracks and further ensuring that servicemen and women and their families are provided adequate and conducive living quarters.
He said his Government will equally explore other possibilities that will ensure that the quality of life in  military facilities in and around the country are improved, adding: “Our country’s security remains of paramount concern to my Government, and as a result, we have taken steps to ensure that the force capacity of the Armed Forces of Liberia is commensurate with our nation’s current and perceived threats, as well as our international obligation to maintain world peace.”
President Weah further said his administration has taken the necessary steps so that Liberian troops serving in the United Nations Mission in Mali have all the needed logistics and required weaponry to enable them to carry on their responsibilities effectively. 
According to him, his government is receiving resounding acclamations and commendations of the professionalism, dedication, commitment, and valor of the Liberian contingent deployed in the MINUSMA mission in Mali.
“For once, it is clear for all to see, that Liberia is making positive strides in contributing to global peace among the comity of nations,” the President said rather excitedly.
As a way of maintaining the positive trajectory the AFL is trekking, the Commander-In-Chief also announced that 1,000 additional soldiers will be recruited into the Liberian Armed Forces in the ensuing year.
“The Recruitment for the first batch of 350 personnel has already started in and around the country and will continue subsequently, as our fiscal space will permit,” he said.
“My Government has also begun taking the requisite actions to remedy the issue of troop mobility in the military. Our soldiers must have the capacity to respond when the need arises, regardless of which part of Liberia requires their intervention.  In this regard, the Government has made available 20 off-road vehicles to the Armed Forces of Liberia for both military operations and administrative use,” he emphasized.
The President instructed the Minister of National Defense to review the files of both enlisted men and officers of the Armed Forces and ensure that those who are qualified and able are promoted to the next rank without delay.
He equally directed the Minister of Defense to work in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Finance to ensure the equipment with standard computer and science labs of the Gray D. Allison High School at the BTC Barracks and the Linda Thomas Greenfield Junior High School at the EBK Barracks.
The equipment of the two entities, he believes, will allow students to have adequate computer knowledge before their graduation.
The President also announced the construction and completion of the Clar Marie Weah Vocational Center for Army Wives at the Edward Binyah Kesselly Military Barracks.
“This facility will shortly be dedicated and will provide life-sustaining skills to the spouses of our men and women in arms,” he declared.
Dr. Weah thanked the AFL leadership led by Defense Minister Daniel Dee Ziankahn, Jr. and Chief of Staff, Major General Prince C. Johnson, III.  for ably steering the affairs of the Armed Forces of Liberia during the past year.
He expressed sincere gratitude to Liberia’s partners, including the US Government, the Government of China, the Federal Republic of Nigeria, the Republic of Ghana, the Arab Republic of Egypt for their continuous support to the Ministry of National Defense and the Armed Forces of Liberia.
His Excellency also hailed the ECOWAS Advisory Training Team (EATT for the mentorship and training provided to enhance both the administrative and operability of the AFL.
The President pledged that the Government is committed to providing all of the necessary support to ensure that the Armed Forces of Liberia remains a “Force for Good”.
“The process of building the Armed Forces of Liberia to meet competing security demands of our country and the world is on track. Above all, we appreciate all of the training opportunities provided by our Partners,” he indicated.
He assured the public that the country’s future is bright and called for collective support to the AFL.