President Weah cuts the ribbon to the renovated government hospital annex

President Weah Dedicates Government Hospital Annex, Provides Equipment in Buchanan on Sideline of Endorsement Ceremony

Buchanan, Grand Bassa County - His Excellency President George Manneh Weah’s trip to Buchanan over the weekend was not only to give audience to colorful elaborate endorsement ceremonies organized by the citizens of Grand Bassa County in his honor towards his reelection bid; it was also an official working tour consistent with his fiduciary national responsibilities.
On Sunday, July 16, 2023, following his popular endorsement of the people of Grand Bassa County and the entire Bassa belt a day before, President Weah visited the Government Hospital in Buchanan and presented an assortment of medical supplies, including essential drugs and surgical equipment to the Hospital which is the only referral health facility in the county. 

Flanked by the Minister of Health, Dr. Whelimena Jallah, the County’s Legislative Caucus and other officials of government, President Weah thanked the hospital administration and staff for the sacrifices they continue to render the county and country in keeping citizens safe, healthy and strong.

President Weah later dedicated the newly reconstructed Annex to the hospital, cutting the ribbon and then touring the facility.

The Hospital’s chief administrator, Moses Whwdigar, thanked the President for rebuilding the facility and for his continuous support to the hospital.

It can be recalled that President Weah ordered the reconstruction of the annex months ago when the Government Hospital was hit by fire disaster that left it significantly destroyed.

Earlier, the President worshipped at the St. John Episcopal Church on Robert Street, where he reiterated his appreciation of the Bassa people for their solidarity to his administration. He restated his commitment to the people of Grand Bassa County and the country at large.

He called the Liberia’s clerics to always serve as Shepherds of God’s people and ambassadors of peace in the country, rather than using their pulpits to spew falsehood and put asunder national cohesion and peace.