President Weah, Cabinet Kickoff Special Meeting in Buchanan

Buchanan, Grand Bassa County - The President of the Republic, H.E. Dr. George Manneh Weah, Monday, April 24, 2023, presided over a Special Cabinet Meeting at the Unification Pavilion, widely known as Fair Ground, in Buchanan, Grand Bassa County.
Buchanan City’s major streets went wild as the president’s convoy entered the city and drove on to the meeting ground, with citizens cheering their leader, before all was set for discussions by a host of heads of ministries, agencies and commissions.
Earlier, the Superintendent of Grand Bassa County Superintendent, Janjay Baikpeh, rather symbolically surrendered, consistent with tradition, the gavel of authority to the President.
He welcomed President Weah and team, and recounted the Weah administration’s countless development trademarks in the County since assuming power five years ago.
He said President Weah has put Grand Bassa County on the front burner of the Government’s development agenda, something he said people of the County will forever remain grateful for.
President Weah also thanked the Superintendent and residents of Grand Bassa County for the warm reception accorded him and his entourage.
The Cabinet Meeting is being attended by members of his cabinet, heads of State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs), autonomous agencies, and commissions.
In his introductory remarks at the Special Meeting, the Chief Executive said despite challenges faced by the Government, his team has done extremely well in providing needed services to the people of Liberia.
He said achievements of the last five years under his administration speak eloquently for themselves, for the Liberian people who elected him, to see and experience.
“We have done much in our first term, and we are capable of doing more,” the President noted, warning against complacency and contentment.
The Special Meeting allowed various ministries, agencies and commissions to showcase progress made since the last Cabinet Retreat that was held in Ganta, Nimba County last year, where reasonable targets were set.