President Weah Motivates UMU Graduates to Aspire for Greatness

Monrovia, Liberia - The President of the Republic, H. E. Dr. George Manneh Weah, has once again accentuated the importance of education in nation-building and implored young Liberians to aspire for excellence in order to meaningfully contribute to Liberia’s growth and development.

Serving as the Commencement Speaker of the 18th Convocation Ceremony of the United Methodist University (UMU) on Tuesday, August 30, 2022, President Weah expressed joy that the graduates could muster the courage to take the first step of acquiring college education but impressed on them to explore more frontiers towards self-actualization and nation building. 
Speaking on the topic, "Your Journey into the Next World," President Weah informed the graduates to order their steps going forward because every step they take beyond the walls of UMU will reflect on the University.
He told the graduates to adopt a very positive attitude and ensure an exceptional output wherever they may be assigned.
“I am not asking you to carry the world on your shoulders, nor am I asking you to do more than what you are able to do,” Dr. Weah said further. “Just be yourself and know your calling.”
“It is often said that a journey of thousand miles begins with the first step," the President reminded the Graduates. “These are the first steps in your journey to create a modern and purpose-built, spacious and functional infrastructure in which to impart knowledge and build character in our students today, so that they may become productive citizens tomorrow, with good character and good behavior."
He continued: “Technically, you got here because you work with others, your instructors, your friends, your sponsors, your mentors, and your family members. For some of you, the categories of people that I just mentioned may have given you great support, and maybe even caused you some setbacks, while others may have presented you with challenges that positively shaped your intellectual position in life.”
The Liberian Leader also admonished the graduates to ensure that their journey into the world is not determined by friends or those around them.
President Weah added: “You may consult and seek advice, but ultimately, the final decision should be made by yourself. As you step out of the ship called the United Methodist University, be prepared for the challenges that await you; fitting yourself into the job market, adjusting from student life, and the reality of taking care of your families.”
He also urged the graduates to take with them what was imparted to them by the University, reminding them about other graduates before them who are performing well because of the quality education gained from the UMU.
“I am a witness, because many such individuals are working with me in this Government,” he said. “I want you to do well so that the torch of light that the United Methodist University represents to the world will keep shining, because as your Class Name implies, that light should never be hidden.”
President Weah also hailed the extraordinary efforts by the administration of the UMU in molding the minds of young graduates.
According to him, it will only take the collective efforts of everyone to ensure that the name of the University is protected out there, urging them to keep your eyes on the graduates as they engage with the rest of the world outside of the University.
"You must consider them as your partners in the building of the new Liberia."
President Weah said by molding the minds of students, UMU is also buttressing the work of the Government in the education sector, as stringent efforts are being made to make quality education available to the young people of Liberia.
Such efforts, he added, are in conformity with the objectives of the Educational Pillar of the national development plan, the Pro-Poor Agenda for Prosperity and Development (PADP). 
President Weah encouraged the United Methodist Church, which operates this University, to continue to complement the efforts of Government in the educational sector, which he said is of primary importance to the future growth and development of Liberia.
About 1,335 students, 61% of them females, received degrees in various disciplines from the University founded in 1998.