“I Envisage a New Liberia Filled with Opportunities for All”

Monrovia, Liberia - The President of the Republic, Dr. George Manneh Weah, has made a clarion call on Liberians to remain positive about their country because there is a more prosperous Liberia in the offing.



President Weah said he sees a new Liberia in which opportunities abound for all citizens and where no one will be left behind. He therefore challenged Liberians to reflect on the future of their country with hope and positivity for what is achievable, rather than just focusing on what is being achieved already.


In a special statement at the Bicentennial Thanksgiving Service Sunday, February 13, 2022, on the grounds of the Executive Mansion, the Liberian Chief Executive said: “Let me invite you to join me in looking beyond the Bicentennial, into a new world of science and technology, into a new world of globalization, into a new world where liberty, equality, stability, justice, peace and prosperity under the rule of law are guaranteed for our citizens.”


He implored citizens to look beyond the Bicentennial into a new world where equal opportunities will exist for all to achieve political, social, moral, religious and cultural advancement.

President Weah expressed hope for a new Liberia, beyond the Bicentennial, full of basic social services and opportunities to enhance road connectivity, educational programs, and equal health care delivery.

Dr. Weah said he envisaged a new national platform in which Liberians will coexist peacefully with one another, fostering national unity and reconciliation.


He also called on the people of Liberia to collaborate collectively to nurture the spirit of oneness, forgiveness and love for each other and the country, while also ensuring the maintenance of peace.

The Liberian Chief Executive admonished Liberians to reflect on what might have motivated the founding fathers for valor displayed in perilous ocean crossing to eventually land on the shores of the Republic.

“I believe they were in search of a land of liberty and freedom, which would serve as home and safe haven for all citizens, regardless of creed, tribe or religion, where they could exercise and enjoy their inherent and inalienable human rights without hindrance or molestation,” the Chief Executive intimated.

President Weah thanked the organizers of the thanksgiving service, Liberia Council of Churches and the community of Churches, for encouraging Liberians to join in the Bicentennial Celebration.

Sunday’s Bicentennial Thanksgiving Service followed another Thanksgiving Prayer Service hosted by the Muslim Community last Friday—all part of the commencing ceremonies of a yearlong celebration of Liberia’s 200 years of existence as a nation.


President Weah also used the occasion to call for peaceful coexistence between and among people of different faiths.