Pres. Weah Saddened by Sailey’s Death …Sympathizes With His Family

Monrovia, Liberia –The President of the Republic, Dr. George Manneh Weah is disheartened by news of the sudden passing of Wen Sailey, a staunch supporter of his Administration and of the Coalition for Democratic Change.


Sailey was passionate about the cause to transform Liberia. He didn't need the backing of a large group in order to express what he believed in. Before his return to the U.S. with his family, he singularly led a campaign in the streets of Monrovia to show support for the Weah Administration's handling of the country during a rather turbulent and polarized period.


Friends and supporters were sad to see him leave the country when he did. Sailey reluctantly made the sacrifice for his family. His subsequent illness and recovery under the supervision of professional U.S. doctors made many to believe it was fate that made him depart when his did.


President Weah has said death is however a necessary end that we all will have to face someday, regardless of our individual statuses. He conveys his sympathy to the bereaved family, the CDC, and those impacted by his passing.