Pres. Weah Leaves for Emergency ECOWAS Summit in Accra

Monrovia, Liberia -The President of Liberia, H.E. Dr. George Manneh Weah early this morning, May 30, 2021 departed Monrovia for an emergency ECOWAS Summit in Accra, Ghana.


The emergency Summit is being convened by West African leaders to discuss how to deal with the political and military situation in Mali following a second coup in just nine months.


During discussion, President Weah is expected to make known Liberia's position on the political crises in Mali to ECOWAS, the coup leaders and the world.


Last week, the Interim President and Prime Minister of Mali were arrested and detained on orders of the Vice President following a cabinet reshuffle. Some members of last August coup were affected by the reshuffle.


The Vice President Assimi Goita was appointed President of Mali by the Constitutional Court contrary to a joint declaration reached between ECOWAS and the Coup Leaders last year.


A contingent of the Armed Forces of Liberia is currently serving in Mali under the multi-national United Nations Peace-keeping Mission in that country.


The Liberian Leader is accompanied by Ministers Dee-Maxwell Saah Kemayah (Foreign Affairs), Daniel Ziankahn (National Defense), Ledgerhood Julius Rennie (Information) and Advisor Amb. Emmanuel Shaw.


Dr. Weah and delegation are expected back in the country on Monday, May 31, 2021.


While the Liberian Chief Executive is away, the Minister of Commerce and Industry, Madam Mawine G. Diggs will act as chair of the cabinet in consultation with the Vice President of Liberia and via phone with the President.