Arriving Gbarpolu to Rousing Welcome, President Weah Warns Lazy Officials

(Gbarma, Gbarpolu County):  As he goes deeper into the Western Liberia in continuation of his nationwide tour, President George Manneh Weah is not just listening to, thanking and updating citizens of the government's gains in three years, but is also taking stock of and focus on the performance of those put in positions of trust.


At his first town hall meeting in Gbarma, Gbarpolu County, President Weah sternly warned government officials who are lazy and delaying progress to desist or get out.


According to the President, he came to the job with great passion to work because of the enormity of challenges plaguing the country and his love for the people, and that anyone standing in the way of development would not be countenanced. 


The president’s assertions stemmed from cities outcry about sluggishness and delays by individuals entrusted with responsibility to implement development projects.


“You elected me to serve you, after I told you that I was the best amongst those who were seeking the presidency at the time,” the Chief Executive told a deafeningly cheering audience. “I therefore take the job seriously and anyone I appoint to help me deliver on the promises I made to you must move with the same speed with which I am moving. This is not time to make excuses. It’s time to work,” the Liberian Chief Executive noted.


In a rather spirited interaction with citizens of Gbarma on Wednesday, March 24, 2021, the President laid out the government's achievements in three years, emphasizing that the CDC-led administration has done remarkably well than past governments did in their first three years.


"I challenge anyone to prove me wrong that this government has not done excellently well in its first three years in office than other past governments did in three years," the President exclaimed.


"We have planted the seeds of development and we are seeing the fruits.  I am glad the people are feeling the effect of the PAPD."


Though the government is progressing with its development programs, President Weah told citizens it was important to visit them, thank them and hear from them on what their development needs are.


He assured Gbarpolu citizens that they will never regret voting him to power because the government is working to meet their development needs.


In response to citizens request to also benefit from his pro-poor housing units, President Weah promised 100 pro-poor housing units in Gbarpolu County and that he would also light up the main street in Gbarma.


"Where’s your main road here," he quipped. “If it's the road I rode on, then rest assured that it will be lit up. The team is in Tubmanburg. From there, they will reach you.”


Gbarma, the first major town of Gbarpolu County from the boundary with Bomi County, came alive as the President convoy cruised through the town following a traditional welcoming ceremony at the main entrance.


As did citizens of counties earlier toured, citizens of Gbarma and adjacent towns queued in throngs singing, waving and dancing as President Weah's convoy wended its way through the town.


Among many things, they hailed the President for choosing to visit them as well as the countless development undertakings across the length and breadth of the country.


The citizens appealed to the President to consider electrifying the city of Gbarma, constructing housing units, hospital and many others.


Following the Gbarma townhall meeting with Citizens, President Weah drove across the Lofa Bridge into Grand Cape Mount County where he also interacted with citizens of Tahn Town, Gola Konneh District.


The President used the time to thank citizens for keeping the peace, working with the government to achieve its development agenda.