“Maritime Institute Essential in Rebuilding Liberia," Pres. Weah Says, Urging Cadets to Strive for Excellence

(Monrovia, Liberia): The President of the Republic, H.E. Dr. George Manneh Weah, has overemphasized the importance of the Liberia Maritime Training Institute (LMTI) located in Marshall, Margibi County, describing it as a reliable component in making Liberia a maritime nation to reckon with.


The President noted that the Institute stands as the first level of exposure for Liberians interested in maritime studies, as it brings the country closer to becoming a maritime nation second to none.

President Weah said education and professional skills provided at LMTI are essential to developing a pool of national workforce.

Speaking Friday, March 5, 2021, President Weah said he was glad to participate in the reopening ceremony of the Institute, and expressed satisfaction with the structural outlook of the Institute compared to what he saw the last time he was at the facility.

He extolled authority of the LMTI, LISCR and others working assiduously to keep the Institute operational and up-to-date in providing good learning atmosphere and services to the youth of Liberia.

The Liberian Leader said: “I have observed that the grounds, buildings, machinery and equipment of the campus remain up-to-date and have actually been improved. I am proud of these factors, and for this I extend my thanks and appreciate to LISCR, our Agent, and the Liberian Maritime Authority, for a job well done.”

President Weah recalled fond memory of his participation in the September 2019 graduation of the first batch of LMTI cadets with Associate of Science degree in Marine Engineer.

“We were so proud of their accomplishment, and looked forward with keen anticipation to the next series of graduations over the ensuing years, as the Academy is expected to grow from strength to strength,” President Weah stressed.

The President said he was elated seeing the LMTI reopened and having new batch of cadets back to school owing to the fact that the COVID-19 pandemic for which the school was shut down seems to be coming under control, and with the proper health protocols in place and being observed.

President Weah stated further: I have learned with satisfaction that the 24 cadets who graduated in 2019 are doing well, by all accounts.  I am informed that they have all been successfully deployed in gainful employment relevant to their training: eight (8) at the Regional Maritime University pursing higher degrees; nine (9) sailing on d’Amico vessels internationally; and seven (7) assigned at the APM Terminals.”

He urged the new cadets to regard the old cadets who, he said, were “performing excellently in their chosen paths as torchbearers paving the way for you”.

He stated: "To the twenty-four (24) of you who are resuming classes today –  (twenty (20) males and four (4) females – I am sure that you know and appreciate the tremendous opportunity that you have been afforded.  This campus where you reside is beautiful, and it has all the modern amenities and equipment, and the teaching techniques employ state-of-the-art, 21st century technology."

He admonished the students not to take anything for granted as there is a chance for them to graduate in less than a year only if they  approach their academic assignments with diligence and determination.

“You should work and study very hard so that you will graduate on time. In that way you will not only make Liberia proud when you go out, but you will also contribute immensely to the rebuilding of our Country,” the President admonished the cadets in training.

President Weah commended the Commissioner of Maritime Authority, Lenn Eugene Nagbe for the able leadership demonstrated since his appointment evidenced by the timely re-opening of this Training Academy. 

“This is a commendable initiative, which is important for empowering young people and creating economic opportunities for Liberians; it addresses one of the major objectives of our national development plan, the Pro-Poor Agenda for Prosperity and Development", the Liberian Chief Executive added.

He pledged that Government will remain committed to supporting the growth and development of the Liberia Maritime Training Institute through the Liberian Maritime Authority.

The President also called on all Liberians to assist in whatever manner in ensuring that the LMTI become a truly national pride.