President Weah Receives Letter of Credence from New US Ambassador

Monrovia, Liberia:  The President of the Republic, H.E. Dr. George Manneh Weah, on Friday, January 22, 2021 received Letters of Credence from the new United States Ambassador to Liberia, Michael A. McCarthy, at his Foreign Affairs Ministry office.


President Weah used the occasion to thank President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris on their inauguration and the peaceful transition of power from the administration of former President Donald Trump.

President, who described the US as a model of democracy around the world, said Liberia takes special note of the transition, given the fact that “we also went through similar transition three years ago.”


The Liberian Chief Executive thanked the new US Envoy for accepting his assignment to Liberia. He expressed the hope that, with the new Ambassador’s assistance, peace in Liberia will be sustained and that the bilateral ties existing between the two nations will be further strengthened.


He shared fond memories of Liberia and US relations dating back several decades ago, hoping that the ties will be enhanced under the administration headed by President Biden.


The President also recalled how he rebuffed comments by a journalist who claimed America was responsible for Liberia’s current state of backwardness, noting “Liberia’s problems cannot be blamed on America.”


President Weah also spoke of the warm and cordial friendship he had with former Ambassador Christine Elder, and expressed hope that he and Ambassador McCarthy will enjoy similar closeness and partnership in the interest of the two countries and peoples.


Making remarks earlier, Ambassador McCarthy said he was honored to represent the United States and President Joe Biden and that he has become a member of the Diplomatic Corps accredited to Liberia.


Amb. McCarthy said US shares the value of democracy, tolerance and peace with Liberia, and that his country cherishes “enduring bonds of friendship and partnership.


Ambassador McCarthy informed Pres. Weah that Liberia and America are undergoing change in political leadership this month a result of recent nationwide elections.


“Such elections provide democracies with an opportunity for wide-ranging outreach to our citizens and soul-searching on our policies and our legacies,” he reflected.


The new US envoy averred that US is pleased to enter 60th year of development partnership with Liberia which began in the first year of USAID’s existence.


“We applaud your government‘s efforts to address the causes of entrenched poverty in Liberia through the Pro-Poor Agenda for Prosperity and Development (PAPD) and we believe our assistance efforts align effectively to support its commendable goals”, the New US Ambassador accredited to Liberia indicated.


Ambassador McCarthy said the US Embassy is privileged to work with the government of President Weah on plans to develop the historic Providence Island, in order to preserve its rich cultural heritage and natural landscape, and encourage tourism.


The new US Ambassador extoled President Weah, stating, “We deeply respect the example set by you personally demonstrating discipline, calling for nonviolence and partisan civility, and supporting the National Election Commission’s vital independence.”


The US envoy added: “Your leadership during Liberia’s first National elections since the departure of UNMIL was reassuring to the international community, but more importantly, it was inspiring to the Liberian people, resonating with their clear expectation of peaceful, free, and fair process.”


The ceremony was also attended by Dee-Maxwell Saah Kemayah, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ledgehood Rennie, Minister of Information and Trokon Kpui, Acting Minister of State for Presidential Affairs.