“Put Aside Partisan Bickering, Focus on National Development Agenda at Legislature”, - Pres. Weah Urges As He Congratulates Fonati Koffa

(Monrovia, Liberia):The President of the Republic, H.E. Dr. George Manneh Weah has congratulated Representative Fonati Koffa on his victory as Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, after Koffa secured the majority of votes in the House election to replace his predecessor.


The Liberian Leader has also thanked Honorable Koffa's colleagues - including members of the ruling coalition, opposition lawmakers and independents - who decided to repose their confidence in the Grand Kru County lawmaker. Hon. Koffa is serving his first term. The President said Koffa's election is indicative of the collaboration and synergy that can be formed by various political blocs in order to do the business of the Liberian people.


The Liberian Chief Executive said he looks forward to working with all parties as the legislature begins its 4th session in accordance with article 32 of the Liberian Constitution.


Dr. Weah called on members of both houses to put aside partisans’ bickering while aggressively pursuing the national development agenda.


The election of a new Deputy Speaker became necessary after Prince Moye, who hitherto served the position, won the just ended election to become Senator of Bong County.