Energy Is Vital To Our Development ~ VP Howard-Taylor Tells Chinese Energy Group

Monrovia, Liberia - A six-member high level delegation of   Shenzhen Energy Group Limited, on Friday September 20, 2019, paid a courtesy call on the Vice President of the Republic of Liberia, Chief Dr. Jewel Howard-Taylor, at her Capitol Building Office in Monrovia.


The delegation had earlier met with His Excellency, President George M. Weah before their courtesy on the Vice President. 


The Chinese Company has entered a Memorandum of Understanding with the Government of Liberia to conduct pre-feasibility studies for investment in the development and operation of electricity generation, transmission and distribution utilities in Liberia, a Press Release from the office of the VP disclosed.


Headed by   Honorable Togbe Afred XIV, Director of the Sunon Asogli Power Ghana Limited, a subsidiary of Shenzhen, the Delegation was accompanied to the office of the Vice President by the Minister of Lands, Mines and Energy,  Honorable Gesler E. Muray, and the the Chairman of the National Investment Commission, Honorable Molewuleh B. Gray.


The Company, according to the MOU, will also set up a legally registered Liberia subsidiary once modalities for a power purchase agreement are reached with the Government of Liberia.


Vice President Howard-Taylor welcomed the delegation to her office and expressed appreciation to officials of the National Investment Commission, the Ministry of Lands, Mines and Energy as well as her Office Chief of Staff, Honorable, George T. Nimely, for the coordinated effort to reach this far with the Agreement.


She described Energy as crucial to development and a major component of the President’s development agenda.


“Access to modern energy, especially in the lower income developing countries, is an important factor for achieving key aspects of the Millennium Development Goals and supporting government’s Pro-poor Agenda for Prosperity & Development”the Liberian Vice President told the Delegation.


Speaking earlier, the  Director of Sunon Asogli Power Ghana limited, Togbe Afred XIV,  explained that the company does not only   see a lot of potentials but  also challenges, promising that following the feasibility studies, the company will present findings to the GOL and make application  consistent with opportunities in the electricity generation, transmission or distribution.


According to him, the presence of the Chinese Company in Ghana has greatly impacted the energy sector, an expertise he noted will be brought to Liberia to positively impact the energy sector.


For his part, Lands, Mines and Energy  Gesler Muray  thanked the Vice President for the level of cooperation  during the discussions while expressing optimism for a positive outcome from the MOU.


Minister Muray disclosed that the MOU for the pre-feasibility   is enforceable for the period of six months and that the Government, through the Ministry of Lands, Mines and Energy and the National Investment Commission will recommend the appropriate next steps leading to  power purchase between the GOL and the Shenzhen Energy following the review and validation of the findings presented.