President Weah Makes Rallying Call for Citizens’ Participation in National Development

Monrovia, Liberia - The President of Liberia, His Excellency Dr. George Manneh Weah, has once again made a passionate national clarion call to all citizens, irrespective of their political, religious and geographic background, to join him in developing the country.
President Weah said Liberia needs the input and expertise of all its people, including the religious community, opposition groups and those in the diaspora to confront the challenges facing the nation by contributing their quotas for the good of all.
Making brief remarks Sunday, July 21, 2019 at the 172nd Independence Day Thanksgiving and Intercessory Service held at the Liberty Church in Johnsonville outside Monrovia, the Liberian Leader particularly called on the religious community, which he described as the moral force of the nation, to take the lead in national reconciliation and harmony.
“I am the President of the Republic of Liberia; yet, I can’t do it alone”, President Weah asserted, adding: 
“If this country must develop, which we have vowed to do, you as men of God must continue to preach peace and reconciliation.”
President Weah reminded Liberians about his unaffected inaugural plea for all Liberians to join him in his drive to develop the country—something he noted is the collective responsibility of all citizens, and not resting solely on his shoulders.
Emphasizing this year’s Independence Day theme, “Together we are Stronger”, the President said the future of Liberia is bright and promising but it can only be realized if all citizens work together in peace and harmony.