“Let’s not Push our Country Back to the Dark Days,” Pres. Weah Cautions Liberians

Monrovia, Liberia - His Excellency, President George Manneh Weah says Liberians and their international partners invested much time, resources and energy in restoring peace and democratic order from the specter of war and conflict experienced firsthand for decades to allow the country be pushed back to those dark days.


The President believes Liberians are capable of surmounting the current political and economic challenges facing their country but that it all requires collective action on the part of all citizens and an abiding faith in those governing the state.


He said beating the drums of agitation, war, conflict and division would help no one.


Speaking Friday, May 31, 2019 in Johnsonville when the residents of Paynesville and Johnsonville honored him for his “unprecedented community roads development in previously neglected communities,” the Liberian leader reminded Liberians the country was threading the irreversible path of development and progress that is needed can be only sustained and underpinned by restraint, courage and patience.


“Let us make sure that what happened to us in the past does not happen again,” President Weah said, encouraging his audience made of thousands of Johnsonville and Pipeline Road residents, partisans of the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) and well-wishers not to be distracted by the actions of detractors of his administration.


 “This is the time for us to work together to move this country forward,” he said, adding, “Our lives cannot be determined by those wishing the country ill and work to divide us. Our lives will be determined by what we do ourselves to transform this country for the good of all.”


“When there is peace, we all will have the opportunity to work and improve the welfare of our families and the communities and the state,” he added. “If we want our country to be built, let us be positive in our actions and our reactions.”


The 24th Liberian President wondered why the high waves of agitation against his administration when, for 12 years, Liberians endured the worst of hardship.


President Weah informed jubilant Paynesville and Johnsonville residents that it was disingenuous for people to be ganging up against his government which has been leaving no stone unturned to keep its lofty promises to the people. 


“For twelve years, your communities—Johnsonville and Paynesville for instance--remained on the bare margin of society without accessing the goodies of the state,” he said. “It was not until we took the mantle of power that at least you and many other communities are having the taste of the national wealth. So, we don’t get it when people agitate and distract us.”


The Liberian leader admonished the residents that his overwhelming concern and duty is to fight to improve the general good and wellbeing of the country and people. He noted: “I can only inspire you to strive harder to be innovative, not to sit supinely but to work toward opportunities.”


The President said he has opted to embark on the costly venture of roads connectivity across Liberia not only to keep a critical campaign promise but also because he knows that Liberia cannot be developed in the absence good roads.


President Weah thanked the people of Johnsonville and Paynesville for honoring him in recognition of his paved road projects in their communities. 


“My mission is to develop Liberia, though I know I may not do all at once,” the President said. “If you give me the time to do my work, you will certainly be happy.”  


Earlier, in their statement of appreciation, the residents of Paynesville and Johnsonville hailed President Weah for the unprecedented community development projects, particularly road connectivity drive, that he has embarked upon.


They said the President’s inclusion of their communities in Liberia’s development program was unprecedented.


The residents of Johnsonville and Paynesville also expressed the hope that the President would remain engaged with them on other aspects of developments in their communities.