Pres. Weah Chairs Special Cabinet Meeting In Gbarnga

Gbarnga, Bong County - President George Manneh Weah is today, October 26, 2018, chairing a Special Cabinet Meeting in the Provincial City of Gbarnga.


The first special cabinet meeting to be held outside of Monrovia is intended to appraise various governance issues towards endorsing the Pro-Poor Agenda for Development and Prosperity (PADP).


The special cabinet meeting is a precursor to the official launch of the much-heralded PADP on Saturday, October 27, 2018 in Ganta, Nimba County.


The Agenda is a national policy document that encapsulates and articulates Government’s overall development action plans for the next five years.


At the end of the Gbarnga meeting, President Weah will lead ministers and other officials of the government on a city-wide tour to greet and meet citizens whose wellbeing is part of what the PADP seeks to address.