President Weah Proposes National Forum with Opposition Parties

Monrovia, Liberia: President George Manneh Weah has proposed a one-day national forum between the Government of Liberia and opposition political parties with the hope of advancing ideas that promote the spirit of national unity and political tolerance between opposition political parties and the Liberian government. 
The President strongly believes that a government and opposition political parties collaboration is a sine-qua-non for the enhancement of national cohesion and development as it affords them greater opportunity to inject practical ideas that drive a positive change toward overall social, political and economic transformation.
President Weah made the proposal Monday, August 13, 2018 when he received a report from the National Independence Day Celebration Committee at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
According to the Liberian leader, such forum is an opportunity that sets the stage in which all opposition political leaders gather together to discuss the future of Liberia. 
He told the over 25-member Committee that it was high time Liberians charted a new course in national leadership, and  noted that the proposed one-day national forum with opposition political parties will provide the space for his government to have clearer and better understanding of opposition political parties’ position about his administration. 
 “For me, I see it very good for us as Liberians, especially opposition political parties to come together in one-day forum to share ideas and discuss the future of Liberia; that the meeting will allow opposition leaders to freely speak their minds about the government and make suggestions. You see, that is why I want this meeting to be held at a venue where opposition political parties and the government will interact freely,” the President indicated. 
President Weah emphasized that his government is open to contributions from opposition political parties, including any Liberian or a group of individuals, regardless of their position and status in the Liberian society. 
He said: “The government and those in leadership must do all in their power to exhibit the passion of working in the interest of Liberia if they are to achieve goals laid out by his administration for the general interest of the Liberian people.” 
Meanwhile, President Weah has praised the National Independence Day Committee chaired by Minister Foreign Affairs, Gbezohngar Findley, for working with the little that they had to work with, and described this year’s event as the best celebration that ushered the beginning of his administration.