“I Will Not Let You Down”- President Weah Reassures Liberians

Monrovia, Liberia: President George Manneh Weah is not leaving any stone unturned to touch the lives of all Liberians as evidenced by the series of life changing projects the government has embarked upon, such as the coastal defense initiative to bring relief to Liberians who have been suffering from intermittent waves of sea erosion over the years.
Concrete and visible evidences abound as to how President Weah is working to do the extraordinary in fulfillment of his agenda to reshape the country, though the national economic boat might seem a bit shaky now because of the unfortunate situation with the exchange rate.
The Liberian leader is confident that it is just a matter of time for Liberians to rejoice, reassuring that he will not let them down. 
Speaking during the official launch of the Coastal Defense Project on Friday, July 13, 2018 aimed at preventing sea erosion in the Borough of New Kru Town, President Weah assured the people of Liberia that he will not let them down, and referenced the ongoing Coastal Defense project as just one of the many projects serving as precursor to the good news that will soon be revealed in the country. 
No matter the amount of criticisms by critics, President Weah made it clear that his government would remain focused on delivering on commitments made to Liberians, and stressed: “Our life is not to boost, but as a government our responsibility is to perform, give to you what you need and not to give you those things that you do not need.” 
Amidst huge intermittent applause from citizens, President Weah assured that his government will not disappoint the people of Liberia. 
He said: “I was always there with you when I was not a President; now that I am your President, I will always be there with you and be there for you, and I hope and pray that this project will not be sabotaged because it will be supported.” 
“There is a good news in the making for Liberians; when that good news is presented to the public, those who are doubting the performance of his government will not have the time to criticize the workings of the government again.” 
According to President Weah, his government is committed to working with its international partners, especially the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in helping the people of New Kru Town to prevent the problems of sea erosion. 
“Just right there is the D. Tweh High School; that school has made and continues to make numerous contributions in impacting and building the capacity of Liberians, many of whom are making significant and positive contributions to the Liberian society; therefore, the government and its partners will do their best to save the school and the community,” he said. 
“We must do our best to succeed because our vision is for us to help our people out of poverty and that is our major concern in running of our government. When you are poor, you will live everywhere because you are looking for that aunty, uncle or family member that you think will help you achieve your dream; and by that, you will experience things. For me It is good to live everywhere, living everywhere gives me the sense of experiencing development.”
President Weah said the vision and the needs of the people are the concerns of his government, but not to compromise their interest as the government is working on its Pro-Poor Agenda to benefit the people of Liberia. 
New Kru Town like other communities in and around Monrovia has endured and continues to endure the bitter experience of sea erosion, leaving several properties damaged and many other homeless.