President Weah Meets Chinese Investors; Express Interest to Build Hair Factory

Monrovia, Liberia: President George Weah has met in audience a visiting Chinese business delegation from the Henan Ruimei Hair Production Company based in China. 
The delegation is in the country through the instrumentality of the First Lady, Madame Clar Marie Weah, and to officially state its intention to establish an artificial hair factory in the country. 
During the meeting on Monday, July 02, 2018 at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, President Weah commended the Chinese delegation for coming to Liberia and for expressing interest to invest in the Country. 
The Liberian leader also expressed delight for the opportunity to provide young Liberians the required skills in artificial hair production. 
The Chinese delegation lauded President Weah and First Lady Weah for the warm reception accorded them and promised to do all within their capacity to jumpstart the investment initiative. 
The Chinese investment delegation, as an initial start, appealed to the government to make available 20 or more young Liberian girls to travel to China for immediate training while they work out the modalities to start the production of artificial hair in Liberia. 
According to the delegation, about 500 initial employees, mostly young women under the ages of 25, will be needed as initial workforce once production commences, with the number expected to be increased to about 3,000 to 5,000 in the space of three years. 
Meanwhile, First Lady Weah has vowed to get the recruitment process underway and to be as inclusive as possible, to affect all the 15 political sub-divisions so that every county can benefit from this opportunity.
The company intends to use Liberia as hub for artificial hair production, to be shipped to other parts of Africa as well as the United States. 
It can be recalled that while in China sometimes ago, the First Lady prevailed on officials of the Company to come to Liberia to consider the possibility of extending their investment here in an effort to provide employment and training opportunities for young Liberian girls.