President Weah Admonishes Cuttington Graduates to be Innovative, Think Big

Suakoko, Bong County: President George Weah has admonished graduates of the Cuttington University not to give up in whatever they venture into, in the pursuit of new life after walking out of college – thinking big. 
He reminded the graduates of the different tedious challenges and tasks ahead of them after college, but urged them to remain steadfast, and try again whenever they fail in their first attempt at something.
President Weah spoke on Friday, June 29, 2018 when he served as Commencement Speaker of the 57th Commencement Convocation of the University.
Speaking on the topic “The Path Will Not Always Be Clear,” the Liberian Leader informed the graduates that by walking out of college, they will be counted alumni alongside leaders, educators, politicians, medical professionals and business people.
“You all have plans for what you will be able to do, what jobs you will get, what businesses you will open, where in the community you will serve. All of those are what you should be thinking about; and all of those are what you should be creating plan to achieve,” President Weah told the graduates.
The Liberian Leader also encouraged the graduates to think bigger than they have ever done, to look beyond what they have known and seen, what others before them have done and to believe that they can do better and greater things.
“I challenge each of you that wherever you go next, to always think about ways to innovate in your chosen profession, ways to get over obstacles that have stopped others, ways to create new things, and ways to solve problems and serve others,” President Weah urged.
According to him, the graduates should endeavor to create avenue for themselves, and not to be complacent, and reminded them also of the saying of Philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson “Do not follow where the path may lead; go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”
He said: “I challenge each of you to do just that, because especially in this country, we are building a stronger, better Liberia and it will take people with new ideas, new ways of approaching our issues, people who are determined not only to just talk, but to take new, different and even radical actions.”
The President also called on the graduates to be resilient and committed to whatever they choose to do because “people fail not because they are not good, but because they are not patient.”
“You have a well laid out plan with a very clear goal, but life will introduce challenges and obstacles along the way. Whether it is lack of resources, maybe illness, death of a loved one, or a business deal gone bad, or the failure of something that you started… remember my message to you: The Path will not always be clear.”
President Weah called on the graduates to take cue from his life, which has been about dreaming, thinking, planning, commitment and hardwork, trying, learning and trying again before success is achieved.
He thanked the administration of Cuttington for the invitation to serve as commencement speaker, and said he was humbled and honored for the conferral of the Degree of Doctor of Humane Letters upon him.
“I accept this accolade with deep humility, bearing in mind that it represents, in part, a recognition and acknowledgement of the modest role that I have been privileged to play, in giving care and support to many people less fortunate than me,” he acknowledged.