World Bank Delegation holds talks with VP Jewel Howard Taylor - commits to Liberia’s development Agenda

Monrovia, Liberia - A delegation of the World Bank has held fruitful discussions with the Vice president of Liberia, her Excellency Jewel Howard-Taylor at her Capitol Hill office.

The delegation headed by the Country Director of Ghana, Liberia and Sierra Leone Dr. Henry Kerali, discussed a number of key issues including identifying new priorities of the Bank's partnership for the coming 5 to 6 years, which will be reflected in its new Country Partnership Framework.

During the meeting VP Howard-Taylor raised several queries specifically bordering on youth empowerment, jobs creation and infrastructure developments.

The CDC-led government as part of its development agenda, has committed to   introduce new legislations and policies intended to achieve sustainable economic growth, develop and expand agriculture.

It also planned to address very large infrastructure deficit, with particular emphasis on road construction and the provision of affordable and adequate electricity for all our peoples which was captured in his Excellency, president George Weah State of the Nation Address.

 Vice president Howard- Taylor, who thanked the delegation for the visit, spoke about    policy notes from   the bank to inform the government about the different projects being implemented across the country, over the years.

Speaking earlier, the head of the delegation Dr. Dr. Henry Kerali, informed the Vice President about the different projects being implemented by the World Bank in Liberia.

Dr. Kerali disclosed that the Bank as part of its commitment to Liberia, Friday February 2, 2018, signed a  US$24.67 million   Financing grant   Agreement  with the Liberian Government.

 He said the grant covers the Fourth Poverty Reduction Support Development Policy Operation, which will provide budget support for the new Liberian Government.

Dr.  Dr. Kerali also spoke about plans by the World Bank to organize a high level partnership forum with key stakeholders to discuss key priorities in line with government’s development agenda.

At the close of the meeting, the Vice president and the delegation exchange pleasantries and wished good luck for the new partnership.