President Weah Warns Against Destroying Street Lights

(Monrovia, Liberia):  Unscrupulous individuals bent on destroying national installations, such as the recently installed street lights, risk arrest and persecution, the President of the Republic Dr. George Manneh Weah has warned.


In a brief remark on Friday, February 5, 2021 before formally switching on street lights on the Bushrod Island, President Weah called on every citizen to own and ensure the protection of the poles.


"Those who are unscrewing these poles must desist from such behavior as there would be tougher actions if they are caught", the President cautioned.


He described the lighting of the streets of Monrovia after several decades as "monumental" to the government's development drive, despite some criticisms from the opposition.


The Liberian Leader said the project will be extended to the outskirts of Monrovia for the benefit of all.


He also indicated that the government is determined to take the project to each and every county of Liberia.


"Let there be light," the President said, mimicking the Biblical command, as he switched on the lights on the Bushrod Island.


The process was also simultaneously carried out by Senator Saah Joseph of Montserrado County and City Mayor Jefferson Koijee for other parts of the city.


The street lighting project was initiated last year when President Weah switched on the first phase covering the ELWA junction to Samuel Kanyon Doe (SKD) Boulevard in Paynesville.