President Weah Talks Development with Rural Liberians as He Hits Ground Running in Western Liberia

(Jenneh, Bomi County): As President George Manneh Weah hits Western Liberia on the 2nd leg of his county tour to say “thank you” to Liberians on his election as Head of State of the country, he has begun straightaway with development talks with the locals.


For the most part of February 2021, the Liberian Leader and an entourage of government officials and supporters were in the North and Southeast of Liberia on the first phase of his hinterland tour, mingling with rural Liberians, dedicating projects, initiating new ones and exchanging development ideas with the people.


From Bong, Nimba, Grand Gedeh, River Gee, Maryland and Grand Kru, President Weah is currently in Bomi County and later to visit Gbarpolu and Grand Cape Mount on the second phase.


Hardly did the President touch the soil of the Golas when he and his caravan bumped into a sea of the rural people waving palm branches, hooting pro-Weah and pro-government slogans, dancing and exchanging pleasantries. 


Along the main route from the Po-River Bridge that separates Montserrado and Bomi Counties, thousands lined up to  give  President George Manneh Weah and entourage rousing welcome.


Women, children and the elderly waived branches while others spread lappas and sang songs of praises as the President’s convoy rolled through their towns and villages.


But it was not long when the visitors and their hosts settled down for serious discussions—discussions of how they would transform lives and bring equity to a people who have long been denied and neglected.


Minutes into the county, President Weah was ushered into the first town hall meeting in Jenneh Three, Dewein District, saying he was happy to be in the county to appreciate the people for electing him, amongst other qualified Liberians, to lead the country and to listen to them on the way forward to national growth.


At three different town hall meetings in Jenneh, Klay and Tubmanburg, President


Weah, having listened to the rural people on their felt needs and aspirations, said his administration would exert all necessary efforts and seek every available avenue to address their development needs in line with Government’s Pro-poor Agenda for Prosperity and Development (PAPD).

He enjoined citizens to make available needed land for the government to construct projects the citizens are in need of such as clinics, markets, women center, schools and others.


President Weah stated his government has been working over the past three years to justify the confidence reposed in him, vowing more aggressive developments in the next three years together with every citizen.


“This government is working for you in three years. You need to know that your vote is not in vain. So. I have come here to say ‘thank you’ for electing me," President Weah told jubilant residents of Jenneh.

President Weah said of many other developments being undertaken, his government has prioritized road connectivity as the best way to develop the country, stating that with togetherness and oneness of mind,  Liberians can achieve the little things that eluded them for years.


The President assured residents that the government is committed to lighting up every main city around the country, emphasizing that Bomi would soon witness and enjoy the lighting of main streets.

"By lighting up the streets, children will have time to study and those who selling their wards will be out later than sooner as light brings economic development," the President said.


At the same time, President Weah has warned individuals who usually damage public facilities, threatening ten-year jail sentence for would-be convicts.


President Weah strongly bemoaned destruction of state facilities as complete embarrassment and setback to development. He called on Liberians to embrace development regardless of who is doing it.

He called on Liberians to resist politicians bent on undermining national development efforts simply because of self-aggrandizement, adding, "Politics must not define us. It should not be when it's not them, it should not be George Weah."


Citizens at the various town meetings hailed President Weah for being with them in the county along with the numerous development initiatives across the country.


They also presented checklist of development needs including upgrading the only junior high school, reconditioning of feeder roads, among many others.


"Amid huge financial burdens the government is faced with, your leadership is bringing prosperity. We are hopeful that the tour will open your eyes to the many challenges," local leaders of Dowein District said.


The citizens hailed the government's national agriculture development program, providing the President 100 acres of land to bolster his agriculture development program.


At the 2nd town hall meeting later in Klay Town, Klay District, President Weah prevailed on citizens to make available lands so that he delivers to citizens the development they aspired.

Despite government’s meager resources, President Weah promised to work with partners to meet the development needs of citizens.


At the C.H. Dewey sport field in Tubmanburg, President Weah promised to transform the field to good playing standard while urging young people to make maximum use of their potential to better their lives.


He also committed government to building additional annexes to the Bomi County  Community College.