President Weah Renews Commitment to Ensuring Women Political Leadership

(Congo Town, Liberia):The President of the Republic, H.E. Dr. George Manneh Weah, says his commitment towards enhancing the political space to ensure that women find their rightful place in Liberia's political leadership remains firm and unwavering.


He said as Liberia's Feminist in Chief he would leave no stone unturned in ensuring that the socioeconomic and political rights and privileges of women and girls are guaranteed and protected.


In brief remarks Monday, April 13, 2021, at the opening of the Localised Meeting of ECOWAS Parliament's Joint Committee on Social Affairs, Gender and Women Empowerment, Education, Science, Culture and Health, the President said he was grateful that ECOWAS Parliament chose Monrovia for its meeting that focuses on Women Empowerment in the region.


"I have been informed that this meeting is about women empowerment in the region. This is a matter close to my heart," the Feminist-in-Chief stated.


The Liberian Leader on behalf of the people of Liberia welcomed members of the ECOWAS Parliament and expressed optimism that their stay and deliberations would be fruitful.


President Weah, who once served as Chairperson of Liberia's delegation to the ECOWAS Parliament shared fond memories of his time there when he was Senator of Montserrado County.