President Weah Receives New UN Resident Coordinator’s Letters of Credence

(Monrovia, Liberia):  The President of the Republic, H.E. Dr. George Manneh Weah, has paid tribute to the United Nations for its invaluable contributions to mankind, particularly to Liberia, in the areas of peacekeeping and security, rule of law, democracy and good governance.


Receiving Letters of Credence from the new Resident Coordinator (RC) of the United Nations in Liberia, Mr. Neil Scout on Friday, January 22, 2021 at his Foreign Affairs Ministry Office, President Weah noted the world body’s heroic role in restoring peace and tranquility to Liberia following years of fratricidal war that took the lives of thousands of Liberians and foreign residents.


Between 2003 and 2017, the UN positioned its largest ever peacekeeping mission in Liberia at which time it restored peace and tranquility, and contributed to the rebuilding process of the country.


“We cannot emphasize what the UN has done for us over the years,” President Weah pointed out, and added: “We are a democratic nation and it behooves the government to follow the democratic path of leadership. We have exemplified that leadership and we hope to continue on this path.”


President Weah also described Liberia as a peaceful and friendly nation that is determined to uphold the values and principles of the United Nations.


The Liberian Chief Executive specifically praised UN Secretary General Mr. Antonio Guatterres whom he calls his former boss, for standing with Liberia and people during the period of Covid-19 pandemic.


Liberia received every needed support through the intervention of the UN chief scribe.


President Weah also hailed the exemplary leadership exhibited by former UN Resident Coordinator, Dr. Kinsley Opuku Amaning, in working with the government on so many fronts.


 He expressed hope and confidence that the new Resident Coordinator would emulate the good coordinative deportment of his predecessor in the interest of the country and people.


Earlier, Mr. Neil Scout extended warmest greetings on behalf of UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres and thanked President Weah for accepting his letter of credence and the warmth reception accorded him.


On behalf of Secretary Guterres, Mr. Scout also hailed the government and people of Liberia for their support to the world body, recalling the country’s role as a founding member.


“We are always reminded that Liberia is one of the founding members of the UN and the significant contributions it is making,” Resident Coordinator Scout stated.


He took note of the heights of Liberia-UN ties, as particularly expressed in the United Nation’s 15-year peacekeeping duty to Liberia.


Mr. Scout reiterated the UN’s commitment to supporting Liberia in its drive to enhance peace, security, good governance, development as well as the promotion of human rights.


He commended his predecessor for his service and committed himself to continuing the efforts of all those who served before him by promoting dialogue and maintaining a strong relationship with the government and people of Liberia.


“Let me also take this opportunity to commend the government and the Liberian people for, once again, conducting free and fair elections, signaling a strong foundation for peace and democracy in Liberia,” Mr. Scout indicated.


He said the government did exceptionally well for the peaceful manner it conducted the elections in spite of many daunting challenges including the COVID-19 pandemic, terming it an attestation of the maturity of Liberia’s democratic foundation.