President Weah Receives Letters of Credence from New Chinese and British Ambassadors

(Monrovia, Liberia):The President of the Republic, H.E. Dr. George Manneh Weah, Tuesday, August 11, 2020, received letters of credence from two of Liberia’s traditional friends and partners, the People’s Republic of China and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.


Receiving the letters, the Liberian Leader hailed both envoys for their presentations and praised their various countries for their strong bond of friendship with Liberia over the years. He recounted various milestone projects and assistance their governments have provided to Liberia’s recovery and development.


The two foreign envoys, Mr. Ren Yisheng of People's Republic of China and Mr. Neil Bradley of United Kingdom of Great Britain and North Ireland, conveyed fond diplomatic tidings from their respective countries and governments and prayed for increased relations with Liberia during their tenures here.


Receiving Letter of Credence from the new Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People’s Republic of China, Mr. Ren Yisheng, President George Manneh Weah reaffirmed Liberia’s commitment to the One China Policy already legislated by Government.

President Weah said it is the firm belief of the Liberian Government that every sovereign nation deserves legitimate right  to pursue its own Foreign Policy void of interference; something he stressed has guided Liberia's foreign policy.

“One principle that has guided our foreign relations is the principle of non- interference in the domestic affairs of other countries."

Liberia, as the oldest Independent African Nation  sufficiently endowed with natural resources, the President noted, was yet to realize its full development potential due to poor management by past administrations.

The President informed the new Chinese envoy that his government was working tirelessly to address the welfare of the Liberian people and reverse their conditions for the better.

He praised the  warm friendship existing between Liberia and China,  stressing that the Government appreciates the numerous assistance made over the years by the Government and People of China including infrastructure, medical, technical and financial as well as human resource capacity.  

President Weah extended particular appreciation to the government and  the people of China for the donation of medical supplies in the fight against the Coronavirus Pandemic.

He recalled similar assistance China provided during the outbreak of the Ebola disease which also included the dispatch of medical personnel that successfully defeated the deadly Ebola disease.

The President acknowledged: "China has always made critical interventions in good times as well as challenging times."
President Weah also observed that the two countries’ involvement with the United Nations and their similar views and positions on many global issues have further strengthened Liberia-China relations, especially the reform of the Security Council in which the People’s Republic of China supports the African common position.

The Liberian Chief Executive assured Ambassador Yisheng that his government would continue to work with China for deepened economic, political and social ties.

President Weah said he was happy to receive Letter of Credence from Ambassador Ren, replacing Fu Jijun who he said was instrumental in ensuring that the ties between the two counties grow from strength to strength.

He urged the new envoy to convey profound greetings to His Excellency Xi Jinping, President of the People’s Republic of China, for his support to Liberia’s development within the framework of the Pro Poor Agenda for Prosperity and Development (PAPD).

"Finally, Mr. Ambassador, as you commence your tour of duty, please be assured of my Government’s commitment to assist in whatever way we can to ensure the success of your mission," he pledged.

To the new Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and North Ireland to Liberia, Mr. Neil Bradley, President Weah hailed the warmth diplomatic ties subsisting between Liberia and Great Britain and the  extraordinary support it has provided and continues to provide to Liberia's infrastructural and institutional development drive.

President Weah spoke of Great Britain’s valuable support to Liberia in critical areas, such as the Security Sector Reform with specific emphasis on assistance provided towards Liberia’s Civil Service Reform and the Institute of Public Administration, Debt Relief for Liberia through the Paris Club, Health Sector Pool Fund, Truth and Reconciliation Commission, Governance, amongst others.

He also recounted support to Liberia’s the Rule of Law project through the African Governance Initiative (AGI) founded and sponsored by Mr. Tony Blair and Liberia Reconstruction Trust Fund.

"Mr. Ambassador, Great Britain’s support to Liberia cannot be over emphasized especially with UK’s contribution to Liberia’s judiciary and girls education, through Save the Children and Action Aid which contributed to our health and kids programs," President Weah said, stressing further even devastating effects of Covid-19 rage, the relationship between both countries will witness the acceleration of mutual benefits within the framework of the Pro-Poor Agenda for Prosperity and Development (PAPD).

"Mr. Ambassador, Great Britain is also partnering with my government to build a better road network to increase access to basic services and open up markets to improve livelihoods," the President said.

He continued: "Also, the quest of the Government of Liberia to uphold fundamental human rights has created Criminal Court E to expeditiously handle the issues of sexual and gender-based violence, and promote women’s rights."

He also expressed appreciation to the Government and people of the United Kingdom for its support in the fight against COVID-19 through the World Health Organization.

President Weah used the occasion to reiterate that Liberia is open for business, thus inviting private sector investments from Great Britain to join his government in developing the private sector, specifically in value addition industries which he said is the best option for driving economic growth and providing employment opportunities.

He informed Ambassador Bradley that his  government is prepared to work with him during his tour of duty to take Great Britain-Liberia relations to a higher level.

President Weah also assured the new British envoy  of his personal support and the Government as he embarks on his new assignment as Great Britain Ambassador to Liberia.

He added: "May your tenure usher in a more vibrant cooperation for the mutual benefit of the Peoples of Great Britain and Liberia."

The Liberian Chief Executive thanked Ambassador Bradley for the warmth sentiments expressed and urged him to convey his appreciations to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth.