President Weah Makes More Nominations, Appointments in Government

Monrovia, Liberia: President George Manneh Weah has made more nominations, appointments in government affecting the Liberia Institute of Public Administration, Liberia Water & Sewer Corporation, Internal Audit Agency, Civil Service Agency, Liberia Electricity Corporation, as well as the Bomi and Lofa Counties Community Colleges.

Those nominated, appointed include:

Liberia Institute of Public Administration
Mr. Alexander Yonly        -    Director General, replaces Hon. Bill Tweahway

Liberia Water & Sewer Corporation
Mr. Sensee J. Morris        -     Deputy Managing Director/Finance

Internal Audit Agency
Mr. Robert Neal        -     Deputy Director GeneralAudit

Civil service Agency
Mr. James Thompson        -    Deputy Director General/Human Resources

Liberia Electricity Corporation (LEC) Board
Mr. Jacob Fayad        -     Member
Madam Victory Tweh        -    Member

Bomi County Community College
Dr. Arthur Varney Yengbeh    -    Chairman/Board of Trustees

Dr. Mulbah Gray        -    President

Lofa County Community College Board
Hon. Sumo G. Kupee        -    Chairman
Cllr. Varmah Blama        -    Vice Chairman

Dr. Samuel K. Ngaima        -     President/LCCC & Secretary to the Board
Hon. Lawrence L. Flomo    -    Treasurer
Hon. William Tamba Kamba    -    Member
Hon. Stephen J. H. Zargo    -    Member
Hon. Mariamu Fofana        -    Member
Hon. Sekou Kolleh        -    Member
Hon. William Saa         -    Member
Hon. Joseph V. Ensah        -    Member
Hon. Varforlay A. M. Kamara    -    Member
Cllr. Jallah Barbu        -    Member
Hon. Benjamin     Gorlima    -    Member

Hon. Madam Agnes Jallah    -    Member, Representative of the Commission On Higher Education
Representative of the Ministry            Member
Of Education

Meanwhile, these nomination, appointments are subject to confirmation by the Honorable Liberian Senate where applicable.