President Weah Issues Proclamation Extending Special Session of 54th Legislature
Monrovia, Liberia - H.E. Dr. George Manneh Weah has extended the Special Sitting of the 54th National Legislature in keeping with Article 32(b) of the Liberian Constitution.
The President, in a Proclamation, extended the Special Session by one week, commencing December 11, 2019 to December 18, 2019.
The Proclamation, which was issued on December 10, 2019, affords the 54th National Legislature the opportunity to further discuss and act upon matters of urgent national importance.
President Weah’s decision is in line with Article 32(b) of the Constitution of the Republic which states that the President shall, on his own initiative or upon receipt of a certificate signed by at least one fourth of the total membership of each House, and by Proclamation, extend Regular Session of the Legislature beyond the date for adjournment or call a special or extraordinary session of that body to discuss or act upon matters of national emergency and concerns.
Additionally, Article 32(b) of the Constitution of the Republic of Liberia requires members of the Legislature to request for extension of regular and special sitting if the need arises.
Members of the Legislature had earlier convened for one working week (December 3, 2019 – December 10, 2019) at the request of the President. At the end of the week, The 54th Legislature, in keeping with Constitution of Liberia, signed a certificate and requested for an extension of one working week, December 11 to December 18, 2019.