President Weah Issues Executive Order Exempting LWSC From Customs Duties On Selected Items

Monrovia, Liberia - The President of the Republic, H.E. Dr. George Manneh Weah, has issued an Executive Order to exempt the Liberia Water and Sewer Corporation (LWSC) from customs duties on selected items.

Executive Order #109 was issued on May 16, 2022, to extend Executive Order #100 which has expired.

The Order is in line with the President’s constitutional prerogative to issue Executive Orders in the public interest, either to meet emergencies or to correct particular situations which cannot await lengthy legislative processes.

The latest Executive Order exempts LWSC from payment of custom duties such as Diesel Fuel for Operations and Production, Rotable and consumable spares for Operation(s), low lift and high lift pumps to be used at the Water Treatment Plant(s) and Water Treatment Chemicals and Chlorinators as well as Laboratory apparatus for water treatment facilities at White Plains and Outstations.

Other exemptions captured under the Executive Order are Heavy duty equipment to include asphalt cutter, jack hammer, leak detectors, valves (air relief, surge and line), pressure sewer cleaner and high pressure assorted pipes and fittings and Flow meters.

The President said the Executive Order which takes effect immediately, is in the interest of national reconstruction and development.