President Weah Extends Electricity to Peace Island as He Commissions ‘Light Up Monrovia’ Project

(Monrovia, Liberia):Drives by the President of the Republic, H.E. Dr. George Manneh Weah, to spread electricity to every nook and corner of the country have found yet another concrete expression in his commissioning of the “Light Up Monrovia” Project and by switching on the Peace Island Community Light in Congo Town.


Peace Island Community is one of Monrovia’s large slums and long-marginalized communities existing without electric power for decades, reason why throngs of its residents burst into thunderous celebrations as the President, along with the European Union Head of Delegation, Ambassador Laurent Delahousse, switched on hundreds of homes in the community on March 5, 2021.  


Under the “Light Up Monrovia” (LUM) project, over 38,000 homes are expected to be electrified including the installation of 2,100 streetlights.


Speaking during the LUM commissioning ceremony held on the Peace Island, President Weah described the European Union as key and strategic partner to Liberia’s development and progress.


“I want to thank you, our partners and the European Union for your continuous support to the Government and people of this great nation,” Dr. Weah said, expressing delight over the cordial relationship existing between the Government of Liberia and the developmental partners including the European Union.


“By working together, we continue to forge ahead in delivering on the promise of the Pro Poor Agenda for Prosperity and Development (PAPD) and positively changing the lives of the Liberian People,” the Chief Executive stressed.


President Weah said electricity is not a luxury but a necessity; something every home needs to improve the mood of people, create warm and bright ambience, as oppose to glooming and unattractive spaces.


“Light provides a sense of security and brings together family and communities,” President Weah further emphasized the importance of light.


Referencing Psalm 36 of the Holy Bible, the President said: “Believe in the light while you have the light so you would be children of light.”


He pleaded with the residents of Peace Island to prevent power theft, protect light poles and other installations in their communities.


“To whom much is given, much is expected. To my people of Peace Island, please pay your bills and avoid power theft,” Dr. Weah warned.


The President who is affectionately nicknamed “Bad Road Medicine” for his rigorous campaign to connect communities and cities with paved roads once again demonstrated his merit of the name by instructing the ministers of Public Works and Finance and Development Planning to immediately begin paving the road leading to the Peace Island Community.


“To the Acting Minister of Public Works and the Minister of Finance and Development Planning, let the roads leading to this community be commensurate with unfolding new conditions, including this lighting of Peace Island,” President Weah repeatedly said. “With lights reaching the people, make sure new roads also connect the people and their community to the rest of Monrovia.”


The “Light Up Monrovia” is a Government of Liberia project funded by the 11th European Union Development Fund and the Monrovia Consolidation of Electricity Transmission and Distribution Project.