President Weah Dedicates Quality Control Medical Laboratory

Careysburg – His Excellency, President George Manneh Weah Friday, May 13, 2022 dedicated the newly-constructed temporary Quality Control Laboratory of the Liberia Medicine and Health Product Regulatory Authority (LMHRA). He described the facility as an important milestone in Liberia’s healthcare endeavors. 


President Weah said healthcare for citizens is an essential part of the Pro-Poor Agenda for Prosperity and Development (PAPD), his Government's flagship development program.


In a special statement at the dedication ceremony held in Careysburg, the Liberian Leader acknowledged that the citizens will struggle in vain without a healthy nation.


The President assured the LMHRA family and Liberians in general that he fully supports the construction and dedication of the Laboratory, stressing, "it is vital to have a system for inspecting the quality of medical drugs on the Liberian market."


"In the past we have been confronted with many incidents of the abundance of fake drugs and other health products," the Liberian Chief Executive note, calling the administration of the Liberia Medicine and Health Product Regulatory Authority to continue to enforce existing laws and regulations in order to protect the general public from dangerous and fake medical products.


“The commitment of my Administration to a healthy nation remains unwavering,” Dr. Weah added. “That is why since I assumed the Presidency, we have continued to improve and equip Liberia’s largest referral hospital, the John F. Kennedy Medical Center, as well as undertaken the construction of several new health facilities throughout the country."


He also recounted the training of health workers and the incorporation of additional medical staff on the government payroll as evidence of government's commitment to ameliorating the country's health system.


President Weah assured that efforts towards revamping the health sector will remain unabated "despite limited resources and competing priorities."


“My Administration remains committed to the goal of making Liberia a center of excellence in the health sector, thereby reducing our reliance on other nations for solutions," the Liberian Chief Executive disclosed.


The President expressed appreciation to the management of the LMHRA for undertaking such a monumental initiative, which enables it to begin full testing of medicines in Liberia in its own purpose-built facilities.


He said he was exceedingly glad to have learned that the LMHRA built the temporary Quality Control Laboratory from fees collected locally.


"This is indeed commendable," the President said.


He added: "I am even more pleased to be informed that, from the same local revenue collected, together with some support from Government, you have been able to complete the construction of the foundation of an ultra-modern laboratory complex here at King’s Town in Careysburg, which will ensure that all medicines and health products, including cosmetics, coming into this country are tested for their compliance with internationally-accepted standards of quality.”


He encouraged the LMHRA management to dedicate all of its efforts to mobilizing resources to complete the new permanent Quality Control Laboratory Complex within the next 12 months.