President Weah Dedicates Japanese Freeway; Expresses Delight Over Completion

Monrovia, Liberia - The President of the Republic, H.E. Dr. George Manneh Weah, on Monday, July 26, 2021 dedicated the recently constructed Japanese Freeway, formerly Somalia Drive, using the occasion to express joy and appreciation for the completion of the road built from a grant provided by the Government of Japan.


The Liberian Leader heaped praises on the Government and people of Japan for their traditionally impactful contributions to Liberia’s development and peace.


Several years before and during its construction, the highway’s cramped and dilapidated condition made travelling from the Freeport of Monrovia to the commercial hub of Red Light a nauseating experience that some inhabitants and businesses along the road took temporary refuge to other communities.


The completion of the double-lane highway is a great relief that comes with the free movement of people and goods and a boost to the local economy in communities along the highway and beyond, the Liberian Chief Executive noted.


“This road represents the most wonderful gift to Liberia on the occasion marking its 174th Independence Day celebration," Dr. Weah said in remarks, zooming in on “fruitful bilateral cooperation” existing between Liberia and Japan, particularly since the 2019 Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD) at which time he and Japan’s Former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe met and held talks.


“Therefore, let me use this opportunity to again reiterate Liberia’s commitment to development cooperation with Japan under the TICAD framework and through direct bilateral engagement,” the President stressed.

He added that the dedication of the road was a manifestation of the strong partnership that exists between both countries.

He said further: “Ambassador Himeno, let me assure you that this relationship will continue to be nurtured under my administration. Japan remains one of our key partners in our development agenda. The Liberian people remain thankful.”

The President also used the occasion to admonish Liberians to make proper and judicious use of the new freeway.


“Before I take my seat, let me caution all would-be users and members of the communities along this road to help in its maintenance through proper use," President Weah said, reminding Liberians particularly those along the road that the collective responsibility in the maintenance of the gift from Japan to Liberia as the surest way of demonstrating  continuous appreciation to the Japanese government and its people.


He warned residents not to build makeshift market stalls on the road, throw garbage in the gutters and drainages and throw trash on the road.


“My fellow Liberians, let all of us do our part as responsible citizens," he said.


President Weah described the completion of the road as a major milestone in his government’s development drive to improve our country’s infrastructure, noting that it represents one or more vital steps in confronting the infrastructure deficit the country faces.

He asserted: “As we gather here today to dedicate this crucial road linking important commercial corridors of Monrovia, we remain committed and steadfast in achieving the deliverables as set forth in the Pro Poor Agenda for Prosperity and Development (PAPD).”

President Weah also thanked his predecessor, former President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, under whose administration the project was initiated.