President Weah Constitutes Liberia-Bicentennial Celebration Steering Committee

Monrovia, Liberia - The President of the Republic, H.E. Dr. George Manneh Weah, has constituted a special Steering Committee to plan and execute appropriate activities to commemorate the Bicentennial Celebration for the settlement of freed slaves, thus leading to the founding of the Republic in 1822.


In setting up the special Steering Committee, President Weah acknowledged that the year 2022 marks the bicentennial of a movement that began on February 6, 1820, leading to the repatriation of freed slaves from the United States of America to the shores of West Africa now called Liberia.


He said: "The year is of high symbolic significance as it commemorates 200 years since the first group of freed slaves touched down on what came to be known as the Providence Island."


President Weah will formally launch the bicentennial program for Africans and friends of Liberia in the diaspora to reunite with Liberia.


"The festival will be a year-long event commencing January 2022 through December 2022,” the President said in the statement announcing the Committee.


The Liberia-Bicentennial Celebration Steering Committee will be chaired by Hon. Ledgehood Julius Rennie, Minister of Information, Culture Affairs and Tourism (MICAT) while Hon. Dee-Maxwell Saah Kemayah, Minister of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) and Hon. Jefferson T. Koijee, Mayor Monrovia City Corporation (MCC) serve as First and Second chairs respectively.


Members of the Committee include:

Min. Samuel Tweah, Jr.                                     Minister of Finance Development Planning (MFDP)

Min. Frank M. Dean                                           Minister of Justice (MOJ)

Min. Mawine Diggs                                            Minister of Commerce and Industry (MCI)

Min. Jeanine Cooper                                          Minister of Agriculture (MOA)

Min. Williametta Saydee-Tarr                          Minister of Gender, Children and Social Protection

Madam Mary T. Broh                                         General Services Agency (GSA)

Min. Zeogar Wilson                                            Minister of Youth and Sports

Min. Trokon T. Kpui                                            Minister of State Without Portfolio

Hon. Robert W. Budy, Sr.                                  Liberia Immigration Service (LIS)

Hon. Patrick Sudue                                             Inspector General LNP

Hon. Dewitt Vonballmos                                   Director General of NASSCORP

Hon. Bill Twehway                                              Managing Director National Port Authority

Hon. Marie Coleman                                          Managing Director LPRC

Hon Lenn Eugene Nagbe                                   Commissioner General Liberia Maritime Authority

Hon. Thomas Doe Nah                                       Commissioner General Liberia Revenue Authority

Mr. Charles Coffey, Jr.                                        President Press Union of Liberia

Chief Zanzan Karwor                                          Chairman National Traditional Council of Liberia

Prof. Weade Kobbah Boley                               Founder Heritage Liberia Tourism Incorporated

Amb. Julie Endee                                                Founder/Director Liberia Crusaders for Peace

Liberia Airport Authority (LAA)

Liberia Council of Churches (LCC)

National Muslims Council of Liberia

Liberia Diaspora Organization

Civil Society Union of Liberia

Rev. Samuel Reeves



According to the Liberian Leader, Hon. Nathaniel Farlo McGill, the Minister of State for Presidential Affairs will coordinate between the Steering Committee and the President, while the Committee will also be supported by a Technical Secretariat to ensure deliverables are met timely and efficiently.