President Weah On Concessionaires’ Back to do More for Citizens in Bassa

(Compound #2, Grand Bassa County):Liberia’s Chief Executive, Dr. George Manneh Weah has intensified pressure on private companies in the hinterland to improve corporate social responsibility initiatives for the host communities as contribution to Liberia’s transformation.


The President underscored the significant impact of concessionaires' contributions in national development, since it goes directly to the people.

Acknowledging excellent partnership his government has had with concessionaires over the years, Dr. Weah says the ordinary citizens’ interest matters most and that national and foreign companies should to do more as a prerequisite for maintaining the good relations.

Speaking at a Town Hall Meeting with citizens of Compound #2 in Marblee Town on Thursday, April 22, 2021, President Weah vowed not to compromise the interest of Liberians over private concessionaires’ and requested that companies operating in the country must step up their contributions to host communities by buttressing government's development initiatives.

He referenced Bea Mountain's cooperation with Government as a result of positive dialogue  with the government, something that leads to several benefits to the community, including paving the road leading to Kinjor.
On the strength of such agreement with Bea Mountain, the Liberian Chief Executive assured residents of Compound#2 of embarking on similar arrangements with concessionaires operating in Grand Bassa County to do more for development.

“We have good partnership with concessionaires. They are our partners. But we want to continue to dialogue with them so that they do more or get involved in more aggressive national development initiatives," President Weah stressed.

President Weah made the statements in direct response to grievances from the citizens of Compound #2 who had asked him during an interactive meeting to consider upgrading or paving the road leading to the District.

The President has also assured the people of Compound#2 that he would endeavor to address their development needs gradually working with their lawmakers.

He specifically pledged to electrify the area if the citizens could only identify areas they wanted streetlights to be installed.

"We will ensure to give you the benefit of electing us into office. We are working and we are committed to doing so," the President declared.

At the e same time, President Weah called on the Legislative Caucus of Grand Bassa County to ensure that County Sittings, a forum that brings citizens together to discuss burning issues,  are used for the true purpose in the interest of the people.

He observed that County Sittings provide unique platform for citizens to chat new courses, address other issues and advance development initiatives.

The President reminisced that as Senator of Montserrado County, he used County Sittings to address and deliver on development projects for the people.

In another development, President Weah has been hailed by citizens of Gegban in District #2, Grand Bassa County for visiting with them, saying he is the first President to reach the community since the formation of the Liberian state.

“Mr. President, we are glad to receive you in our town. You are the first President since birth to visit this place," remarked one of several speakers at a town hall meeting.

During the visit to Gegban, the Chief Executive broke grounds for the construction of a bridge to connect Compound #2 to Compound #2B, and also dedicated a school constructed by Rep. Mary Karwor of District #2.

President Weah, who is in Grand Bassa County on the 3rd leg of his county tour, drove several hours to the area to, as he put it, appreciate and interact with his people.