President Weah Commissions Four Judges

Monrovia, Liberia - The President of the Republic, H.E. Dr. George Manneh Weah, has urged judges across the Country to adjudicate cases without fear or favor for the promotion of peace and development.


President Weah made the assertion on Thursday, March 12, 2020 at the C. Cecil Dennis Auditorium, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


Those commissioned were Cllrs. J. Kennedy Peabody, Resident Circuit Court Judge of the Sixth Judicial Circuit Court, Montserrado County; Othello S. Payman, I, Associate Judge, Commercial Court, Republic of Liberia and Hector W. Quoiquah, Resident Judge, Sexual Offenses Division of Criminal Court E, 8th Judicail Circuit Court, Nimba County, and George C. Katakpah, Resident Judge, Sexual Offenses Division Criminal Court E, 9th Judicial Circuit, Bong County.


Commissioning the judicial officials, President Weah said the appointment of judges to the new courts was a further manifestation of his administration’s commitment to the rule of law.


President Weah said the creation of Special Courts to deal with sexual offenses was in keeping with the government’s unwavering determination to protect Liberian women and girls from sexual gender-based violence.


“I task each of you to discharge your respective duties faithfully under the laws and to deliver fair, speedy and transparent justice at all times,” Dr. Weah emphatically said.


The judges were appointed mid-January and subsequently confirmed by the Liberian Senate.


The Special Courts were created by Section 25.4 that established the country’s Criminal Courts.


The commissioning ceremony was also attended by Chief Justice Francis Korkpoh, Associate Justice Yusuf Kaba, Justice Minister Musa Dean, among others.