First Lady Weah Identifies with Health Facilities in Nimba

Ganta, Nimba County -Thursday, July 5, 2018: At least five hospitals and clinics in the commercial city of Ganta in Nimba County are now breathing a sigh of relief after benefiting from a huge donation of medical supplies. 
The Ganta Rehabilitation Center, the Ganta United Methodist and E & J Hospitals, the Equip and Ganta Community Clinics, each received a consignment of assorted medical supplies on Tuesday, July 3, 2018.
The donation, which is an initiative of the First Lady, was her way of buttressing government’s efforts in addressing challenges in the health sector purely out of her love for Liberians across the country.
Miss Najet Akar, the First Lady’s Director of Protocol and Head of delegation to Nimba said the gesture was in response to the pressing needs Mrs. Weah observed when she visited Ganta in May this year.
“The First Lady wants you know that she cares and thinks about you everyday; that’s why she sent us here to bring these medical supplies to you,” Madam Akar told beneficiaries as she made the donation on behalf of Mrs. Weah.
According to Madam Akar, the First Lady’s gesture would benefit other counties as she is passionate about serving the people of Liberia not just residents of Monrovia.
At the same time, Nimba County Superintendent D. Doh Cooper, who also accompanied the delegation, praised the First Lady not just for the medical supplies but also for always remembering the people of Nimba.
He recounted the First Lady’s recent visit to the county and the numerous initiatives she has earmarked on in that area.
For their part, authorities and employees of the various hospital and clinics expressed gratitude to the Liberian First Lady for the gesture. 
For many of them, including the Acting Head of the Ganta Equip Clinic, Madam Lucy Sayedeh, it was unbelievable that the wife of a sitting Liberian President would show such concern for them when they do not even know her.
“You know it was too surprising to me when I saw the cars coming in. I was too surprised and I asked what’s going on…,” said Lucy Sayedeh.
“It is the very first time for us to see this… so we want to say thank you to the First Lady,” Madam Sayedeh said, adding that the donation was timely.
According to her, the clinic was already running out of medical supplies.
Also receiving supplies on behalf of the Ganta Clinic, the Acting Officer-In-Charge, Grace Yanweh expressed gratitude to the First Lady.
“We are very, very happy because for a very long period of time we have out of drugs. Writing prescriptions for patients makes them feel bad and many of them would stop seeking medical treatment at this facility,” Grace asserted.
At the same time, authorities of the Ganta Rehabilitation Center, which caters for persons suffering from leprosy, tuberculosis and severe wounds, could not control their overwhelming joy.
“These things that you brought would give us strength to do our work,” he said.
Mr. Boima continued: “We were totally down, short of supplies and have been knocking at the doors of the Ministry of Health and other partners but to no avail.”
Mr. Boima said the supplies would go a long way in helping to enable them attend to the wounds of those seeking care at their facilities.