First Lady Weah dedicates US30k School Renovation Project

First Lady Clar Marie Weah, on Monday, October 08, 2018, dedicated the newly renovated facilities of the June L. Moore School in Gbengbar’s Town, Paynesville- Montserrado County.
Mrs. Weah said her decision to help create a conducive learning environment at the school was triggered by the students’ determination to learn.
“Like any of you would, seeing students sitting on the floor, I realized I had to do something about it. 
“Their eagerness to learn and passion for school, as demonstrated in their facial expression, were enough to have prompted my intervention,” said the First Lady.
Mrs. Weah made the statement in a remark at a brief and well attended ribbon cutting and dedication ceremonies on the June L. Moore campus.
According to Mrs. Weah, she observed the deplorable state of the school during a visit to the institution nearly nine months ago on the invitation of Mrs. Brenda Mahseedah.
Mrs. Moore, the Chief Executive Officer of Kids Engagement Project (KEEP), had invited the First Lady to read stories to the kids in the library, during one of their regular Saturday sessions.
She recounted that the roof and ceiling were damaged, there was a shortage of chairs and the various classrooms barely had sufficient light and fresh air among others. 
The situation made the teaching and learning process uneasy. But despite the difficulties, Mrs. Weah recalled, the students appeared determined to learn.  
The Wife of President Dr. George Manneh Weah expressed delight that she had put a smile on many faces by transforming the once dilapidated school.
“Indeed, I am happy that the virtually dark classrooms have been lighted up and the damaged ceiling replaced with new ones.”
She continued: “These new facilities signal a renewed hope for the future through quality education. Let all this send a message across Liberia and the world that this government prioritizes education”  
The First Lady however urged the students to keep alive their passion for education and called on education stakeholders to work harder to ensure quality education for Liberia’s future leaders.
Admonishing the students she said: “Never give up. Never be complacent! Educate yourselves because you future depends on your education.”
The school renovation project, valued at about 30,000 United States Dollars, include the replacement of damaged roof and ceiling and improving existing structures, among others.
Mrs. Weah also announced that the project includes the construction of a cafeteria and a teachers’ lounge, both of which are already underway. 
In addition to the renovation, the First Lady donated consignments of chairs, desk and portable water bottles, at least one hundred fifty apiece each.
At the same time, the Liberian First Lady thanked Mrs. Brenda Mahseedah Moore, Chief Executive Officer of Kids Engagement Project for allowing her visit the school.
Meanwhile, Education Minister, Prof. Dr. Ansu Sonii thanked the First Lady for such a great boost to the school system, stressing that the first family is noted for transforming lives.
In separate remarks, the principal of June L. Moore School, Mr. J. Sylvester Goffar, the CEO Brenda Moore and the Parent Teacher Association Chairman, Elijah Kennedy also expressed gratitude to Mrs. Weah.
They assured that the facilities will be properly maintained and used to benefit the students.