First Lady Weah Calls for National Unity As Liberia Celebrates 172nd Independence Day on July 26

Monrovia, Liberia - First Lady Clar Marie Weah has re-echoed the need for Liberians to put aside their differences and unite towards working together for the good of all irrespective of political, social and religious backgrounds.


“The need for unity and harmony cannot be overemphasized,” said Mrs. Weah in her Independence Day Message to the nation, citing a line in the Liberian National Anthem: “In union strong, success is sure.”


As Liberia celebrates 172nd Independence Anniversary on July 26, the First Lady noted that citizens should remain grateful to God and the international community for the support to the country's peace and stability over the years.


Mrs. Weah said Liberia has made tremendous progress which all citizens must be proud of because the achievements derive from the collective efforts of all.


“Looking back at where we have come – from long years of civil war, hopelessness and destitution to a peaceful and hopeful country on a steady path of growth and development--we can only be appreciative of the gains made so far.”


The First Lady, however, urged Liberians to remain hopeful, stressing that President George Manneh Weah’s government was committed to improving the overall living standards of the people.