First Lady Saddened by Cyber-Ed Fatal Shooting; Calls for heightened school safety measures

Monrovia, Liberia - First Lady Clar Marie Weah is saddened by the fatal shooting of a female student at the Cyber-Ed Christian School of Excellence in Monrovia, and extends heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family.


The deceased, identified as 16 year-old Precious Ireland, was reportedly shot by a male schoolmate while on campus on Tuesday, April 13, 2021.


In a statement issued Wednesday, April 14, 2021, Mrs. Weah is quoted as saying that as a mother she understands how painful it is to lose a daughter to such an unfortunate incident which could have been prevented.


The First Lady described the death of the adolescent girl as a huge loss.


Mrs. Weah, however, urged the bereaved family to remain calm as police are investigating the incident.


Meanwhile, the Liberian First Lady asserted that the recent shooting incident underscores the urgency of instituting rigorous measures to ensure the safety of students and staffers at various schools across the country.


She urges the Ministry of Education and partners to work along with school authorities to prevent the recurrence of the fatal shooting and other incidents capable of disrupting teaching and learning processes at schools.