First Lady Bids farewell to Visiting Henan Ruimei Hair Company Delegation …As training of 30 girls, construction of factory in sight

Monrovia, Liberia - One of the dreams of First Lady Clar Marie Weah - to boast government’s efforts in empowering Liberians especially young girls through capacity building and job opportunities, is on the verge of full realization.


This is particularly so as the recruitment of thirty Liberian girls and the construction of a hair factory get underway shortly following a successful assessment tour by a high-powered delegation of the Henan Ruimei Hair Production Company of China.


A delegation from Henan Ruimei, a globally renowned company, was in the country recently on the invitation of the First Lady, Clar Marie Weah, to explore opportunities of investment in order to boost the Liberian economy and empower Liberians.


Following a week-long tour of various investment potential sites and meeting with the President, Dr. George Manneh Weah and a host of government officials, the delegation is returning to China with great enthusiasm to do business with Liberia.


The Chinese hair company expressed interest in establishing a branch in Liberia to begin the production of artificial hair; making Liberia a regional hub to supply hair products to other parts of the sub-region and elsewhere. 


The Company’s Chairman, Zhang Xihe said the initiative will create jobs for several Liberians incrementally over a period three years, with a focus on young girls and women.


As part of the venture, at least thirty Liberian girls, to make up the first batch of Ruimei Company’s operations when established in Liberia, and will be taken to China for an intensive training in hair production.


During a brief farewell ceremony at the Office of the First Lady over the weekend, Mrs. Weah said she was delighted that the process she ignited during her visit to China a few months ago is on a progressive paths to yielding significant dividends for Liberians.


Ahead of the vigorous recruitment exercise to identify the would-be beneficiaries of the training, which is expected to begin in the coming weeks, First Lady Weah has vowed to ensure equal representation of all 15 counties and that only well-deserving Liberian girls will benefit from the training opportunities.


The Liberian First Lady said she would remain tireless in her efforts to support the Liberian Government’s Pro-poor Agenda while urging Liberians to continue to work with her and the current administration.


Meanwhile, as a way of expressing their respective gratitude over the emerging partnership for the benefit of Liberia, the First Lady and the China Henan delegation, headed by the company’s chairperson, Zang Xihe, exchanged presents.


The First Lady presented a typical Liberian art product. The wooden-carved art-work contains the masks of the sixteen ethnic groups of Liberia with the national flag.


In return, Madam Xihe and delegation presented samples of their hair products, a Brazilian hair, customized with the name of the First Lady.