First Lady Begins Solving Chairs Shortage Problem at 4 Public Schools

Monrovia, Liberia - First Lady Clar Weah has gone to the rescue of four public schools in Margibi and Montserrado Counties that were plagued by the acute shortage of chairs and desks.


One of the four schools, Shefflin Town Public School situated along the Robertsfield Highway in Lower Margibi County, has already received its share of the donation.


The First Lady’s office recently delivered nearly 100 chairs and desks to the Shefflin Town Public School while the Charlesville Public School, the 14 Road Public School and the Nyehn Town Public School are expected to receive consignments of chairs and desks shortly.


Upon taking delivery of the donation, Ms. Surprise Daykur, the principal of Shefflin School, thanked First Lady Weah for the gesture.


Ms. Daykur described the chairs and desks as a great relief to the institution as the shortage of seats was a major challenge for over three hundred students at the school.


The First Lady’s intervention is in response to the shortage of seats at several public schools, something she had observed during her recent assessment tour to the institutions.


Mrs. Weah’s assessment, early this month, was aimed at identifying the most-needy schools that could benefit from the Liberia’s Zero Hunger Home Grown School Feeding Program.


The School Feeding Program is an initiative by the First Lady intended to help improve the nutrition and health of Liberian children as they acquire an education.


In another development, Mrs. Weah has also identified with four orphanages, donating assorted clothes among others.


The bags of clothes were distributed on Wednesday, April 24, 2019 to four orphanages including Francis Giaskin and Amazing Grace Orphanages located on GSA Road and 72nd Community respectively.


Making the presentation, Ms. Najet Akar, the Director of Protocol in the office of the First Lady, said the gesture was a clear demonstration of Mrs. Weah’s unwavering support to them.


Ms. Akar said that the First Lady was not only concerned about improving the orphanage’s infrastructures and providing food but also ensuring that the kids have decent clothes to wear.


A release from the office of the First Lady quotes Mrs. Weah’s Director of Protocol as saying that the First Lady remains committed to improving the lives of the underprivileged people including orphans.