First lady Announces Monthly Feeding Initiative for Elderly; Hundreds Benefit from Fist Ration Distribution

Monrovia, Liberia: The Samuel Kanyon Doe Sports Complex in Paynesville was a scene of attraction on Thursday, April 26, 2018, as hundreds of elderly people gathered to benefit from the First Lady’s initiative to feed them.
Elderly men and women, including persons with the visually impaired and physically challenged, made their way to the Complex to grab their ration despite the heavy downpour.
With each receiving a plastic-bag of assorted food items comprising rice, tins of canned fish, beans and flour among others, the elderly people could not hold back praises to the Liberian First Lady, Ambassador Clar M. Weah.
Old-man Jerry Morris, believed to be in his sixties, told the gathering in a brief remark on behalf of his male colleagues that: “no First Lady since the formation of the Liberia’ has ever thought of addressing their nutritional needs.”
Speaking earlier on behalf of the females, Old-Ma Rachel Grant explained how many of them had to abandon whatever they were doing to get the SKD Sports Complex). 
The two beneficiaries expressed gratitude to Mrs. Weah for her far-sightedness and concern for them, praying for God’s blessing upon her and President George M. Weah.
The Feeding program, launched Thursday, April 26, 2018 is aimed at reaching out to the elderly people of Liberia in a show of care and love. 
First Lady Weah told the elderly in a statement that the initiative would continue regularly on the last Thursday of each month.
She said, though the rations distributed among them may sustain them for a month, it was an important initial gesture to express her concern for them.
“I am happy that I can share the little that I have with you. It is not a lot but I just want to show you love; I just want to show you that someone cares about you,” said Mrs. Weah.
According to the Liberian First Lady, the move was prompted by her passion for caring for the elderly. She recalled that as a young girl, she grew up loving to care for elderly people.
“No one has forced me to do this. As the First Lady, who is married to one of your sons that you took care of all of your life, I feel that you are my responsibility.”
She urged the senior citizens to continue to work with her and pray for God’s blessings upon her. She said the more they work with her, the stronger she would get and the more she would do for them.