“Liberia is the Ultimate Winner,” President Weah Speaks to Nation After Midterm Elections

(Monrovia, Liberia): The President of the Republic, Dr. George Manneh Weah, has applauded Liberian voters, the national security forces, the management of the National Elections Commission (NEC) and all stakeholders for the successful and peaceful conclusion of the recently held midterm senatorial and constituency by-elections.


On December 8, 20202, midterm senatorial elections were held in the country along with two constituency by-elections in Montserrrado District #9 and Sinoe County District #2.


In a bid to reunite the nation towards sustainable peace following a rather tense electoral process, the President spoke to the nation on the evening of December 12, 2020 after a significant amount of results was already made known by the country’s electoral management body, stressing that the elections “represent a major victory for democracy in Liberia, and have significantly enhanced our democratic credentials and affirmed our support for the rule of law in our country”.


The Liberian Chief Executive noted that as the final results were expected to be announced shortly, it must be known that voting was now over.


“I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the Liberian people for the calm, mature, and peaceful manner in which they exercised their democratic franchise at the various polls throughout the voting process,” the President said, thanking the security forces of Liberia, “who through their vigilance, discipline, and professionalism, ensured that there was a peaceful and conducive atmosphere for these elections to take place, and that the freedom and rights of all our citizens were guaranteed and protected, both during campaign rallies and polling days”.


He added: “It is important that credit should also be given to the leadership of all participating political parties, for taking initiatives to admonish their respective partisans to remain disciplined and orderly throughout the process.”


The Liberian Leader also thanked the National Elections Commission and its leadership and staff, for doing an excellent job in organizing, conducting, and reporting on these mid-term elections.


“As President of Liberia,” the Chief Executive said, “I extend my personal congratulations to all prospective winners, and express the hope that, as they join the governance structures of this country in their respective legislative capacities, they will not only well represent the hopes and aspirations of their various constituencies, but that they will all work collectively in the best interest of the Liberian people.”


The Head of State further noted that “Liberia, as a Nation, and we, as a People, are the ultimate winners and beneficiaries of this peaceful exercise.”


The President also used the post-elections statement to urge citizens to take all necessary precautions and strictly observe all health protocols as published by the Ministry of Health as the festive reason approaches.


“As we come to the end of 2020, during which all mankind and all human activities were negatively impacted by the coronavirus pandemic, let us hope and pray for a better New Year in 2021, as we learn of the good news that vaccines have now been developed which could assist in bringing this deadly disease under control,” President Weah said further.


“Fellow citizens, let us maintain peace among ourselves, and goodwill towards each other, as we go forward together into the New Year,” he said, adding, “Merry Christmas again, and a Happy New Year!!  May God bless you all.”