“Let Your Light Shine, Not Hidden,” President Weah Tells AUWA Graduates

Monrovia, Liberia - The President of the Republic, Dr. George Manneh Weah, is urging Liberian scholars to serve as lights wherever they may be that would shine to bring development, growth and prosperity of their people and country.


In a rather poetic tune, the Liberian Leader, delivering the convocation address at the 8th graduating exercise of the Adventist University of West Africa (AUWA), told the young graduates on May 26, 2022:


“Go forth and let your light not be hidden. Go forth, and shine your light so that all can see it from a distance. Go forth, and shine your light on your families, so that they may prosper in its glow. Go forth, and shine your bright light in your communities, so that they may see your good works. Go forth, and shine your brightest light on Mama Liberia, so that she will rise and shine and prosper, in Africa yea the World.”


Then he said, “Let your light not be hidden. ”The Liberian Chief Executive reiterated his commitment to ensuring that Liberia’s education sector becomes vibrant, effective and comparative so that it serves as the only realistic conduit for national growth and development.


President Weah said he is very passionate about education because it is the surest compass that keeps the country on the trajectory of sustainable growth and development.

The President said it becomes far more imperative on his administration to provide quality education to young people of the country who are the future leaders.

“We are determined to improve the educational system of our nation, and we continue to demonstrate that by making significant financial commitments in the sector, in which Government is the largest investor,” he said.

The President highlighted government's budgetary support to the education sector in the tone of $80 million dollars in the 2020/21 national budget, while also announcing an increased spending on education in 2022, to ensure that "all the interventions we are making can lead to systemic and positive transformations in the sector."

According to the Liberian Leader, budgetary increments will continue annually, in spite of limited resources and competing priorities, as commitment to the advancement of quality education in Liberia

Addressing Graduates

Directly addressing the over 270 Graduates of AUWA, President Weah wooed them to continue to be the "Light" that's needed for the rebuilding of Liberia, having received a holistic value-based education from the University.

“Each and every one of you should be conscious of the realization of the true values that have been imparted to you here, not only for societal development and nation-building, but also for your personal development," the President admonished the graduates.

The graduating class is named "Pono Falo," a Kpelleh word which means ‘Light can't be hidden’.

The Commencement Speaker told the graduates that they have successfully catapulted themselves into leadership position by attending University and achieving what he termed “important milestone” in their academic journey.

The President noted further: "You are not Liberia's future leaders.... you are leaders RIGHT NOW, in your communities, in your villages, cities, towns, and places of work.  As some of the fortunate few who have had the privilege of higher education, you can begin NOW, to put your newly acquired skillsets and knowledge to work as leaders, wherever you are.”

He urged the graduates to begin to contribute to the dialogue and the narrative that will define the present, and shape their tomorrows.

"Secondly,” the President said, “if one is making reference to future political leadership, rather than only community leadership, the future is not that far away from you, because I am sure you have all observed that political leadership roles in society are today being filled by increasingly younger people."

Thanking Adventist Church/AUWA

President Weah used the occasion to extol the Adventist Church and AUWA for inviting him to deliver the Commencement Address at the 8th Graduation Convocation, and for providing graduates with the education and skillsets that will enable them to become productive members of society.

He said the Adventist Church has elevated its involvement in the education sector to the tertiary level by establishing the University, which is one of more than 128 Adventist Universities worldwide.

The Adventist University of West Africa is a faith-based institution of higher learning, whose mission is to promote the development of the spiritual, intellectual, physical, and social capacities of students, preparing them for peaceful co-existence, knowledge advancement, exemplary leadership, harmonious relationships, and service to God and humanity.

He also thanked parents and guardians of the graduates who, he said, went the extra mile to ensuring that the children realize their dreams for higher education.