“Grand Bassa County Deserves More,” President Weah Says, Drenched In Crowds Welcoming Him

(Buchanan, Grand Bassa County):President George Manneh Weah and entourage Wednesday, April 21, 2021 entered Grand Bassa County to tsunamic welcome by citizens and residents who lined the tarmac pavement and waived palm branches from the border with Margibi County to Fair Ground in Buchanan City.


On arrival at the outskirt of Buchanan City, the presidential convoy got clogged into crowds of locals, including students, women, traditional chiefs and zoes and local government authority headed by Superintended Janjay Baikpeh, who turned out to receive the President.


Following a near-painstaking efforts to pierce through the huge crowds, the President and his entourage managed to get to business in the port city, breaking ground for a 150-bed hospital and assessing works at the Old Folks Home Complex being built by First Lady Clar Marie Weah.


Already, Buchanan’s Town Square, known as Fair Ground, was awash with huge crowds of people jostling and waiting both in the open field and inside the Unification Pavilion for a town hall meeting with the President.


The Buchanan town hall meeting, like others held in other communities during the President’s tours in the countryside, provided a platform for every segment of the local population to participate in their engagement with the president.


Youth, students, elders, local officials and other groups, having thanked Dr. Weah for his national development initiatives which they indicated have impacted them, also appraised the Chief Executive for various problems and challenges confronting them.


The youth and students requested increased support to technical and vocational education and a center for use by them. They also asked the President to refurbish the bad road and a broken bridge to the Grand Bassa Community College—a situation they said hampers their access to the school particularly during the raining season.


“Grand Bassa County deserves more from this government,” the President said as he responded to the litany of requests from the citizens. “As I have always said, my leadership will not leave any county or community behind in our development drive. Every Liberian or every community deserves better, and Grand Bassa is just one of one.”


The President further stated that “everywhere in this country is my home. Grand Bassa County is also my home. My parents lived here. And more so, when others were castigating me, that I am a footballer and knew nothing and will not be a good president, Grand Bassa County stood by my side. They ignored all the bad stuff my opponents talked about me. They voted me overwhelmingly. They gave me 74.6 percent of their votes in this county.”


He added: “Indeed, I should be the one thanking you. You need not to thank me. It is I who owe you; you made me president because you believe in me to provide your basic needs. So, please, don’t thank me. I must thank you. Grand Bassa deserves more and better.”


The President implored the citizens to continue to be patient and peaceful, “because with patience and peace, a lot more can be done”.


“You are telling me thank you for building roads, building hospitals, for free education and free WASSCE fees. You are thanking me for paving the Fair Ground road, which someone said here was never done since the existence of the county,” the President asserted further. “Yes, it is good for you to appreciate the little I have done for you. But, please, I want you to know that I am the one that owe you ‘thank’. With unity and peace, there will be many more important things done by me for you.”


“I want you to work with me. I call upon every one of you--lawmakers, local authority and the people of Grand Bassa--to join Government so that we build this country and this county. If we all worker together, rest assured that you will get whatever you want,” Dr. Weah said.